Saturday, August 31, 2013

About Kurosaki Ichigo

Ichigo Kurosaki (黒崎 一護, Kurosaki Ichigo) is a Human who hasShinigami powers. He is also a Substitute Shinigami. Ichigo is the son of Isshin and Masaki Kurosaki, and older brother of Karin and Yuzu.

Ichigo's most distinguishing feature is his spiky orange hair, a trait he has been ridiculed about for years on end. He is a fairly tall, lean-built young man with peach skin and brown eyes. He likes to wear tight clothes.
[6] He has a tendency to wear shirts patterned with the number 15 because his name is a homonym for the number.[7] Since becoming a Shinigami, he has become noticeably more muscular, as noted by his sister Karin.[8] When in his spiritual form, Ichigo wears the standard Shinigami attire, with the addition of a strap across his chest. Initially, it was a thick brown belt to hold his Zanpakutō sheath, but it later became a red rosary-like strap.[9] It is shaped like a kite with a flat top and bottom.[10] Ichigo's appearance has caused several people, including Jūshirō Ukitake, to note a similarity to Kaien Shiba, the former lieutenant of the 13th Division.[11] After training in the Dangai, Ichigo's hair grows considerably, and he is noticeably taller, as stated by his friends.[12] After Ichigo loses his Shinigami powers, his appearance reverts to the way it was before his Dangai training.[13]Appearance

Seventeen months after defeating Aizen, Ichigo's overall appearance does not change, but he becomes taller and grows sideburns.[14] After regaining his powers, Ichigo's Shinigami attire consists of a thicker strap across his chest. He has four black vertical lines on his forearms and black, tattoo-like bands crossing over his chest, wrists, and ankles. Similar bands, but with white ends, lie around his neck as collars.[15]


When he was younger, Ichigo considered his mother to be the center of his world, always smiling when he was with Masaki and regularly holding her hand.[16] Despite crying whenever he lost in a match at thedojo he attended, Ichigo started to smile again as soon as he saw Masaki when she came to pick him up.[17] At a very young age, Ichigo heard his father saying his name means "to protect one thing," which instilled in him a desire to protect his mother. When his sisters were born, he began attending a dojo for the sake of protecting them. Since then, the number of people he wishes to protect has continued to grow, causing Ichigo to risk his life to protect both the people close to him and complete strangers.[18][19][20]
As a teenager, Ichigo is stubborn, short-tempered, strong-willed, and impulsive.[21][22] Despite claiming not to care about what other people think about him, he attempts to maintain a detached and "cool" image.[23] He generally keeps his face set in a near-permanent scowl, with his eyebrows drawn together.[24] His outspoken, hot-headed demeanor is a trait Ichigo himself has acknowledged, and if somebody picks a fight with him, he cannot help fighting back. He coldly refers to his teachers as "instructors".[25] He is genuinely compassionate and empathetic towards others, promising to bring a Plus flowers[26] and a toy plane,[27] or soothing others when they become upset.[28]
Ichigo is a capable student, ranked 23rd in his year at school, who studies regularly and does not neglect his schoolwork.[29] He works as hard as he does to overcome the misconceptions many have about him based on his hair color and fighting.[30] Ichigo hates fortune telling, horoscopes, feng shui, psychics, and anyone whose trade involves taking money from people for things they cannot see.[31] He has difficulty remembering people's faces and names.[32][33][34] Ichigo becomes extremely shy and uncomfortable around nude or immodestly dressed women, a fact both Yoruichi Shihōin and Rangiku Matsumoto have teased him for.[35][36][37]Ichigo is often disrespectful when talking to those older than himself, calling Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto"gramps" and referring to several of the Shinigami captains by their given names without using honorifics.[38][39][40][41][42]
When it comes to fighting, Ichigo has a complex sense of honor; he regularly seeks to exact revenge for the cruel actions of his opponent, such as instilling the fear of being murdered in Shrieker and cutting off the right arm ofYammy Llargo in retaliation for him ripping Yasutora Sado's right arm off.[43][44] He often taunts and belittles his opponents when fighting, sometimes attacking without warning.[45] Ichigo has a strong desire to win his fights, but in what he views as a legitimate manner.[46] To this end, he has often refused the aid of his inner Hollow, even when knowing it would allow him to win.[47] Ichigo's resolve in battle can waver at times, which can impede his fighting prowess, and goes into a state of depression and self-loathing when he loses a major battle or lets a friend down.[48]
Ichigo despises those who mistreat their allies in any way, even if they are his own enemies. He is disgusted when an individual berates his/her own allies, such as when Yammy calls Ulquiorra CiferNnoitra Gilga, and Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez "trash".[49] He expresses anger towards those who go as far as attacking their own allies, stating he cannot forgive those who murder their own comrades.[50]


Young ichigo
Young Ichigo with Tatsuki Arisawa.
Ichigo was born on July 15th as the son of Isshin Kurosaki and Masaki Kurosaki, 15 years before he became a Shinigami. His sisters Karin Kurosakiand Yuzu Kurosaki were born a few years later. When he was four, Ichigo joined a karate dojo, where he met and befriended Tatsuki Arisawa. Though Tatsuki beat Ichigo in every match they had, she would help Ichigo if he was being picked on by bullies and cheer him up if he was upset.[17]
Ichigo was able to see Pluses for as long as he could remember.[51][52] He could see them so clearly, as a child, he could not tell the living from the dead. This resulted in him appearing to other people to be looking at deserted places and talking to himself. This caused people to say he could see ghosts, though when Tatsuki asked him about this, he denied being able to see them.[53]
Ichigo wakes up under Masaki as she lies dead.
On June 17th, when Ichigo was nine years old, he and his mother were walking home alongside one of Karakura Town's rivers, which was swollen from heavy rain. Seeing a girl near the river, Ichigo thought she was about to jump into it. Unable to tell the difference between ghosts and living people, Ichigo ran towards her to stop her, unaware the girl was the lure of the Hollow Grand Fisher. Masaki tried to stop him, but he did not listen. After failing to grab hold of the girl, Ichigo lost consciousness for a time. When he awoke, Masaki was lying on top of him, covered in blood.[54] Starting the day after Masaki's death, Ichigo repeatedly skipped school to go to the riverbank where Masaki died. Tatsuki found him there, where he would stay from morning until night, wandering along the bank as if searching for his mother, squatting down if he was tired and then wandering some more.[55]
Chad and Ichigo
Ichigo risking his life to protect Sado's coin.
One day, when Ichigo was twelve, prior to the Kurosaki Clinic opening, he heard the bell ring and answered the door to find a girl with her brother on her back. He had been in a car accident, and was covered in blood. The clinic did not have the equipment necessary to save him, and he died before an ambulance arrived to transfer him to Karakura Hospital. Sometime later, he learned the girl was Orihime Inoue.[56]
Ichigo later entered Mashiba Junior High School. During this time, Ichigo finally defeated Tatsuki in a karate match, and had not had another match with her since.[57] Ichigo regularly got into fights with thugs, due to the unusual color of his hair.[25] During one of these fights, he received help from Yasutora Sado. Shortly after, Ichigo returned the favor when he rescued Sado from two gang members roughing him up.[58] When the thugs later abducted Sado, Ichigo found them and knocked down their leader, Yokochini. Using Yokochini's phone to ring for an ambulance for each of the five thugs, he beat up all of them. After Sado was freed, they made a pact to protect and fight for each other.[59]
Shortly before Ichigo became a Shinigami, he and Sado began attending Karakura High School, and their reputations preceded them. During a fight with a gang led by Reiichi Ōshima, Ichigo and Sado met Keigo Asano andMizuiro Kojima, saving the former in the process. While Keigo was initially afraid of Ichigo and Sado, both he and Mizuiro later became friends with them.[60]


Agent of the Shinigami arc

Bleach 1pt5
Rukia, wounded, about to give Ichigo her power.
After scaring some skateboarders away from a dead girl's resting place, Ichigo, apologizing to her, promises to bring her some new flowers to replace those damaged by the skaters, telling her to go to heaven quickly.[61] That evening, Ichigo, seeing Rukia Kuchiki in his bedroom, initially mistakes her for a burglar, but when Ichigo realizes only he can see the intruder, he accepts Rukia is a ghost. When he refuses to believe her explanation about Shinigami, Rukia binds him with Kidō. As a Hollow attacks the house, Ichigo, upon hearing his sister's pleas for help, breaks free and rushes to stop the Hollow.[62] Surprised at its monstrous appearance, Ichigo charges at it with a baseball bat in an attempt to release the captive Yuzu. Rukia frees Yuzu, but Ichigo's reckless actions force Rukia to shield him with her body, severely injuring her. Seeing Ichigo's determination to protect his family, Rukia offers to temporarily turn him into a Shinigami by piercing his chest with her Zanpakutō and transferring half of her power to him. Absorbing almost all of Rukia's power, Ichigo, making short work of the Hollow, collapses afterwards.[63][64]
Bleach 2pt1
Ichigo learns that Rukia is now his classmate.
The following morning, Ichigo is horrified when he discovers Rukia is now a part of his class, and she has altered his family's memories of the attack. She insists he must help her do her job while she awaits the return of her powers. When Ichigo refuses, Rukia, forcing his soul out of his body, takes him to a park where a Hollow is about to attack. She persuades Ichigo to perform her duties.[65] After undergoing some training with Rukia to improve his combat tactics, a Hollow bursts into his room.[66] Rukia, who has taken to staying in his closet, forces Ichigo's soul out of his body. He cuts off part of the Hollow's mask, revealing it to be Sora Inoue.[67] Explaining the origins of Hollows, Rukia states Orihime Inoue is in danger, as Hollows often attack their relatives. They rush to Orihime's apartment, where Ichigo manages to stop the Hollow before it eats Orihime's and Tatsuki's souls.[68]
Sora Inoue Purifies Himself
Sora uses Ichigo's Zanpakutō to purify himself.
At Orihime's apartment, Ichigo initially panics when he sees her soul separated from her body, but Rukia explains there is still time to save her. Still intent on eating Orihime, the Hollow attacks. During Ichigo's subsequent fight with Acidwire, Orihime, stepping in between them, gets bitten. Her influence temporarily restores Sora's conscience, prompting him to purify himself with Ichigo's Zanpakutō. Rukia explains to Ichigo Hollows defeated by a Zanpakutō are purified and sent to Soul Society. As Ichigo and Orihime talk, Rukia, healing her, erases her memory of the event.[69]
Ichigo finds weakened Karin
Karin pleads with Ichigo.
At school, Ichigo fends off Mizuiro Kojima's suggestions of a relationship with Rukia and Reiichi Ōshima's threats about his hair color. Ichigo notices Sado has a parakeet with him, and there is a spirit inside it. When Rukia confirms it is just a lonely Plus, which they should send to the Soul Society that night, Ichigo complains about missing another night of sleep.[70] Upon returning home, Ichigo helps with the injured from a car accident, among them Sado. Ichigo notes the wound on his back was inflicted by a Hollow.[71] The next morning, Ichigo tracks the spirit inside the parakeet using Reiraku in order to find Sado.[72] When they find Sado, he runs away from them. Telling him it is dangerous to be by himself, Ichigo is distracted by an ill Karin. At Rukia's behest, he brings her home. Karin tells him she saw the Plus' memories, and he saw his mother being murdered.[73] After placing her in her bed, Ichigo, rushing to help Sado, reflects on how long it had been since he last saw Karin cry.[74]
Ichigo Kurosaki returns Shrieker's bombs
Ichigo returns Shrieker's bombs.
Ichigo arrives to take over fighting Shrieker.[75] When Rukia releases him from his body, he, injuring Shrieker, notices small creatures nearby, and is told they spit out explosive leeches. After asking Shrieker if he was the one who killed the child's parents, which he confirms, Ichigo, catching one of the leeches, slams it into Shrieker's mouth. When the Hollow refuses to trigger them, Ichigo, ripping out its tongue, stabs his sword into Shrieker's leg.[76] Asking him how it feels to be unable to move or fight and if he can savor what it is like to be murdered, Ichigo cuts through his head, and Shrieker is pulled into Hell. After Rukia explains about Hell, she tells the Plus they will send him to Soul Society, and Ichigo says he might see his mother there.[77]
Ichigo asks Rukia about Kon
Ichigo questions the use of the Artificial Soul.
The following day, Ichigo, noting Sado's memory has been erased, receives aGikongan from Rukia, who, after explaining its purpose, forces him to try one. Unconvinced by the artificial soul's personality, Ichigo is forced to leave it in his body when they receive an order from Soul Society.[78] After defeating the Hollow, a concerned Ichigo, rushing back, sees his body jump out of an upstairs window and run away extremely fast. As they chase after him, Rukia tells him it must be a Mod soul.[79] As Rukia explains what she means to an angry Ichigo, he, asking if Rukia is alright with the idea of the Mod Souls being created and killed all for Soul Society's convenience, wonders how the Mod Soul must feel about being persecuted and gaining his body.[80] Receiving a warning about a Hollow, they, hurrying to its location, find the Mod Soul is fighting it. Rushing to his aid, Ichigo reminds him he is using his body. As the two continue arguing, they defeat the Hollow together. When Kisuke Urahara removes the Mod Soul from Ichigo's body, Ichigo, asking him what he is going to do with it, asks who he is. When Rukia gives the Mod Soul to Ichigo, he thanks her for not throwing him away.[81]
Kurosaki family meeting
Ichigo and family plan their trip to Masaki's grave.
After failing to find a body to place the Mod Soul in, Ichigo, placing him in a plushie, decides to call him Kon. On the 16th of June, Ichigo, woken by Kon, scrambles to hide him and Rukia as Yuzu comes into the room to say Mizuiro is waiting for him. Apologizing to Mizuiro, he, noting his memory has been erased, remembers Rukia had told him Urahara must have worked hard. As Rukia leaves, Ichigo, complaining about Isshin not waking him up as usual, notices the date.[82]That night, the Kurosakis hold a family meeting to discuss their trip to Masaki's grave the following day. Ichigo asks Rukia if he can take the day off from the Shinigami work, as it is the day Masaki was killed.[83]
Rukia Kuchiki Confronts Ichigo Kurosaki about his mother's death
Rukia asks about Masaki's death.
On the 17th of July, the Kurosaki family visits Masaki's grave. Annoyed that Rukia followed them, Ichigo, becoming angry when she asks if Masaki was killed by a Hollow, notices the same girl he saw the night Masaki died, and, running after her, tells Rukia he killed Masaki.[84] At Masaki's grave, Ichigo, watching his family's antics, reflects on his mother's death and its impact on his family.[85] Sensing the reiatsu of a Hollow, Ichigo realizes the twins are easy targets.[86] As the Hollow attempts to eat Yuzu, Ichigo, arriving, cuts the twins free. Demanding to know why the girl he saw when Masaki died is there, he asks if she is controlled by the Hollow.[87]When Rukia tells him the Hollow is called Grand Fisher and it uses the girl as a lure to trick and devour Humans who have high levels of spiritual power, Ichigo, realizing Grand Fisher killed his mother, lunges at it. Stopping Rukia from interfering, he, insisting on fighting alone, instructs her to mind his sisters.[88]
Grand Fisher Stops Ichigo Kurosaki with image of Masaki Kurosaki
Grand Fisher attempts to manipulate Ichigo.
Struggling against Grand Fisher, Ichigo is subjected to the Hollow's Transcribeability. Transforming his lure into an image of Masaki, Grand Fisher explains about his ability.[89][90] As he pierces Ichigo's chest, Ichigo, stabbing the Hollow's chest. grabs his arm, saying he has finally caught him, and slashes open his chest.[91] Transferring its form into the lure, Grand Fisher escapes. As Rukia tries to convince Ichigo he cannot fight him any more, he, insisting he can and the Hollow is still not dead yet, soon collapses.[92] Using most of her strength to heal his stomach wound, Rukia leaves his other injuries. When Ichigo awakens, in his Human body, in great pain, Rukia reminds him the wounds his soul receives will show up when he returns to his body. When Ichigo asks her if he lost, she tells him he won, since the Hollow fled and nobody died. Saying Grand Fisher is not dead, Ichigo walks off.[93]
Isshin & Ichigo talk serious
Isshin gives Ichigo some advice.
When Ichigo, at Masaki's grave, apologizes for not being able to avenge her, Isshin notes the time has gone by quickly, and it has already been ten years since Masaki died. When Ichigo corrects his error, Isshin states he was "so close". When Ichigo loudly complains about this, Isshin says Masaki can rest easily if she sees him being so lively. When he starts smoking a cigarette, Ichigo says he thought he quit smoking when Karin and Yuzu were born. Isshin explains he smokes on this one occasion, as the only time Masaki complimented his looks while they were dating is when she saw him smoking.[94] When Ichigo asks why nobody blames him for her death, Isshin, dismissing the suggestion, says Masaki would be mad at him, and she would gladly die to protect her child. Reminding Ichigo he is the one the woman he loved gave her life to protect, he, telling him to live his life well, leaves. Asking Rukia if her powers are returning, Ichigo asks her to allow him to remain a Shinigami for a while longer regardless. He says he wants to become stronger so he can defeat Hollows, protect those who are targeted, and defeat Grand Fisher; otherwise, he will not be able to face Masaki.[95]
Orihime Apologizes to Ichigo
Orihime apologizes to Ichigo.
While Yuzu and Isshin are watching Don Kanonji's Ghost Bust TV program one Wednesday evening, Ichigo asks Karin why she is not watching it with them. She tells Ichigo she can see spirits about as clearly as he can, and is not interested in the ghost show. Remembering she saw the Hollow who attacked the house when he first met Rukia, Ichigo realizes she might be able to see Shinigami too. The next morning at school, Orihime, performing Don Kanonji's pose as Ichigo arrives in class, asks him to do the pose with her. As Ichigo's friends all do the pose, Ichigo tells Keigo he is not going to the live recording of Ghost Bust at the abandoned hospital in Karakura, despite his attempts to convince him to go.[96]The following Wednesday, Ichigo accompanies his family to watch Ghost Bust being filmed. When Orihime apologizes to him for trying to get him to do Don Kanonji's pose, he, telling her it is okay, reveals Keigo and Mizuiro know he despises it, but yet still do it anyway. When asked why he came, he, stating Isshin and Yuzu are huge fans of the show, says they would look pitiful if just the two of them went. When Orihime tells him he is so kind, Ichigo dismisses it as normal.[97]
Ichigo fends off Jibakurai
Ichigo fends off the Hollow.
Telling him he must be tired from his dual life, Rukia instructs him to use this chance to relax. Surprised she is concerned about his health, Ichigo, asking if there really is a spirit in the hospital, says the Shinigami would have dealt with it already. Rukia says it is likely to be a Jibakurai, a soul on its way to becoming a Hollow.[98] When Ichigo asks Rukia if they should perform Konsōon it to prevent it from becoming a Hollow, she says it takes months to turn into a Hollow. She says to do it after the show to avoid trouble in case of a struggle, but Ichigo is unconvinced. Meanwhile, Don Kanonji jams his staff into the partially open hole in the Jibakurai's chest.[99] As Ichigo tries to stop him, he is caught by security. Urahara frees Ichigo's Shinigami form from his body, allowing him to knock Kanonji away from the Jibakurai. As Ichigo realizes the medium can see him, the Jibakurai vanishes in an explosion.[100] As Kanonji promises to send Ichigo to heaven too, Rukia shouts at him to look up, where they see the spirit reforming into a Hollow on top of the hospital. As Ichigo and Kanonji bicker, the Hollow charges at them. Ichigo fends off its attack, and when the Hollow gets its head stuck in a wall, Ichigo drags Kanonji inside.[101][102]
Hollow defeated
The Demi-Hollow is defeated by Ichigo.
Ichigo insists they stay inside to avoid the audience being caught up in the fighting. When the Hollow attacks again, Ichigo's Zanpakutō becomes stuck in the ceiling. Ichigo realizes he never thought about the corridors being too confined to use his sword in. When the Hollow glues Ichigo's hands together, Kanonji, jamming its mouth open with his staff, frees Ichigo's blade.[103] When Ichigo's sword becomes embedded in the Hollow's shoulder, it drags him up to the roof. Freeing himself, Ichigo takes advantage of the open space to defeat the Hollow. When Kanonji praises him, Ichigo, telling him to stop his antics, explains it is the same spirit Kanonji thought he had sent to heaven. Stating regretting it is pointless, as he did not know, Ichigo directs Kanonji to the crowd. Kanonji thanks him, complimenting his courage, quick wits, and strength, and asks that they work together in the future. When Ichigo agrees to help him once in a while, Kanonji forces him to take a Don Kanonji fan club card, signed "to my #1 pupil".[104][105]
The following day, Rukia helps Ichigo and his friends get out of trouble for their actions at the abandoned hospital when they are brought before the principal and Kagine, who states their escapades were broadcast live nationwide.[106] That afternoon, Ichigo, answering the door, meets Don Kanonji. Closing and locking the door, he demands to know how he found out about his house. When Kanonji reveals he invited Rukia along, Ichigo realizes it was her who told him where he lived. Seeing Kanonji, Yuzu knocks Ichigo over while opening the door. When Rukia'sDenreishinki alerts her to a Hollow, they rush off to fight it.[107]
After numerous incidents of arriving at the supposed site of a Hollow attack, only to find there is no Hollow, Ichigo and Rukia bicker. When Ichigo asks if there is another Shinigami defeating the Hollows before him, Rukia tells him Shinigami are strictly sorted, and it should not be the case.[108] Ichigo tries to keep away from Rukia at school to avoid the rumors since their appearance on Ghost Bust. While discussing his high grades with Keigo and Mizuiro, Ichigo notes his orange hair causes him a lot of trouble, as older students pick on him and teachers watch him closely, so he studies so the school does not complain about him. Rukia drags Ichigo off, prompting him to complain about the rumors regarding them. When she tells him to complain later, as there is a Hollow, Ichigo tells her he will not forgive her if it is not there this time, but they find nothing.[109] After another incident following school, Ichigo tells Rukia to do something about the problem as she drags his body from its hiding place. The pair are approached by Uryū Ishida, who asks Ichigo if it is correct he can see spirits, which Ichigo denies is even possible. When a new Hollow appears, Uryū, killing it, introduces himself, saying he hates Shinigami and Ichigo.[110][111]
Spirit threAD
Uryū grabs Ichigo's red spirit thread.
At school, Ichigo, reflecting upon his encounter with Uryū, wonders why he would say such things to a complete stranger and why Uryū was angry. Realizing he cannot remember his full name, Ichigo lists off possible names out loud. Overhearing him, Orihime, stating Uryū is in their class, takes him to the handicrafts club to show him Uryū. When Orihime asks what happened between Ichigo and Uryū, Ichigo dismisses it as no big deal.[112] After school, Ichigo follows Uryū as he leaves. Asking him if he intends to follow him home, Uryū notes he had noticed him spying on him from the classroom doorway. When Ichigo applauds him, Uryū states it is due to Ichigo's inability to restrain his spiritual power, and he lacks the ability to sense reiatsu, as evidenced by him not noticing Uryū until that day. Revealing he noticed Ichigo's unusually high spiritual power and his acquisition of Shinigami powers, Uryū, inviting Ichigo to fight him, says Shinigami are unnecessary in the Human World.[113]
Though Ichigo ridicules the idea, Uryū succeeds in convincing him to fight him, and he uses Kon to free his Shinigami form. Using some Hollow bait to cause Hollows to gather in Karakura Town, Uryū states the one who defeats the most Hollows within twenty-four hours wins. When Ichigo, angered by this, demands to know why he is exposing the town's residents to such danger, Uryū tells him not to worry, as they will kill all the Hollows.[114] As Ichigo tries to make him undo it, Uryū tells him Hollows will soon flood the town, and he should try to protect as many people as possible. When Uryū tells him Hollows tend to prefer people with high spiritual power, Ichigo runs off to find Karin.[115] After slaying his third Hollow and saving a pair of Pluses, Ichigo, struggling to remember where Karin is, sends Kon to get Rukia's Denreishinki to aid in reacting to the Hollows.[116] Defeating the Hollows between the Kurosaki Clinic and the last place where he saw Karin, Ichigo thinks it should be safe for her now.[117]
14Ichigo confronts Uryu
Ichigo confronts Uryū.
Having found Uryū, Ichigo bickers with Kon when he arrives. Unable to attract their attention by shouting, Uryū fires an arrow at Ichigo, who, blocking it, insists it is a battle between him and Uryū, and the amount of Hollows they beat is irrelevant. As Kon points out there is a large crack forming in the sky, and Uryū begins firing arrows into the group of Hollows, Ichigo tells him there are too many, and they need to come up with a strategy. Asking him if he is afraid, Uryū charges towards the Hollows. When Rukia explains the fall of the Quincy at the hands of the Shinigami, Ichigo, running after Uryū, attacks several Hollows around him.[118][119] When Ichigo, telling Uryū he does not know or care about whether the Shinigami or Quincy were right, expresses frustration at his methods, Uryū tells him he thought the Shinigami were correct until hissensei was killed in front of him. Telling Ichigo of his sensei's attempts to convince the Shinigami to work together with the remaining Quincy and how he died fighting a group of huge Hollows without achieving that goal, Uryū says he must prove the strength of the Quincy to the Shinigami. Pointing out his sensei's wish was to work together, Ichigo, asking if he will do that now, says fighting back to back is the best way to deal with the situation.[120]
Ichigo Kurosaki attacks Menos Grande
Ichigo attacks the Menos Grande.
As the two begrudgingly work together, Ichigo, telling him his approach to their fight is endangering the people he wants to protect, says he will not forgive him for that. They agree to beat each other up after the Hollows have been dealt with, but as they prepare attack a horde of Hollows, a Menos Grande appears. As Ururu TsumugiyaTessai TsukabishiJinta Hanakari, and Urahara arrive to fight the Hollows, Urahara tells Ichigo to concentrate on fighting the Menos.[121]Seeing its size, Ichigo, questioning if it is in fact a Hollow, is shocked to see it eating the nearby Hollows. Saying there is no way they can figure out how to fight such a monster and they will have to simply cut it repeatedly until it succumbs to its injuries, Ichigo, charging towards the Menos, attacks its leg, but is knocked back by the unfazed Menos.[122]
14Uryu's plan in action
Uryu's plan is put into motion.
Noticing Ichigo's power flows into his bow when he touches it, Uryū, planning to fire an enlarged arrow at the Menos, tells Ichigo to increase his power to maximum. Stating he never controls his energy output, Ichigo says it must be at maximum all the time. When the Menos starts to charge a Cero, Ichigo, rushing towards it, blocks the Cero with his Zanpakutō. His power increasing as he resists the Cero, Ichigo repels the attack, injuring the Menos in the process.[123]As the Menos retreats, Ichigo, claiming victory, collapses as his Zanpakutō begins to destabilize. Noting it will explode, Uryū begins to dissipate the energy by firing arrows into the sky, injuring himself. Uryū tells him to make sure he lives so he can beat him later.[124] The following day, when Rukia tells Ichigo not to pay attention to Uryū's injuries, Ichigo denies being worried. Later, when he overhears Keigo telling Mizuiro he saw Uryū talking to himself the previous day, believing it to be related to a theater, Ichigo is thankful Keigo is an idiot. Asking Uryū to join them for lunch, Ichigo later regrets it, due to the atmosphere which prevails over their meal.[125]
Ichigo finds Kon Tied
Ichigo finds Kon tied up.
That night, Ichigo, taking the leftovers from dinner to give to Rukia, finds she is gone.[126] At 2:00 a.m., Ichigo, wondering whether she is going to return that night, notes it would be nice not to have Shinigami duties to carry out for once. Hearing a muffled noise, Ichigo finds Kon gagged and tied to the back of the toilet bowl. When Ichigo asks why he was tied up, Kon, saying Rukia is in big trouble, shows Ichigo a note she left on his desk. Confused by the message, which tells them she has to leave and they should go into hiding instead of looking for her, Ichigo decides to change into his Shinigami form and find her. Realizing he cannot change form without Rukia, Ichigo demands a reluctant Kon change him into a Shinigami. Appearing at the window, Urahara changes him into his Shinigami form.[127]
Renji Injures Ichigo with Shikai
Renji Abarai unleashes hisShikai against Ichigo.
As Lieutenant Renji Abarai attacks Rukia, Ichigo, arriving, attacks him.[128] When Renji notes the size of Ichigo's Zanpakutō, Ichigo replies he thought it was large compared to Rukia's, but there had not been anyone else to compare it to. Realizing he is the Human who took Rukia's Shinigami powers, Renji, attacking him, asks Ichigo what the name of his Zanpakutō is. When Ichigo, stating he has not named his sword, asks if they actually give them names, Renji activates hisShikai, surprising Ichigo with the change of form of his Zanpakutō. Leaping into the air, he slashes Ichigo's shoulder.[129]
Ichigo's sword is sliced
Ichigo's final blow to Renji is stopped.
As Renji, explaining about the Shikai form of Zanpakutō, moves to attack him, Rukia attempts to stop him so Ichigo can flee, but Ichigo's reiatsu increases, and he, injuring the surprised Renji, quickly overwhelms him. As Ichigo attempts to end the fight, Byakuya severs his sword's tip, leaving Ichigo stunned. As he prepares for Byakuya's subsequent attack, Byakuya, appearing behind him, stabs him.[130] Falling to the ground, Ichigo, wondering whether he was attacked from the front or from behind, is stabbed again by Byakuya.[131] As Byakuya and Rukia talk about Ichigo, he, grabbing Byakuya's leg, tells him not to talk about him as if he is dead. As Byakuya tells him to let go, Ichigo instructs the captain to look at him when he is talking so he can hear him. Kicking Ichigo's hand away from her brother, Rukia, telling him he should know his place, tells Byakuya she is ready to leave. As Ichigo protests, Renji tells him to stop making things worse. When Rukia tells Byakuya there is no point in deliberately killing Ichigo, as he will soon stop breathing on his own, Ichigo asks if this is a joke, prompting Rukia to state if he tries to follow her, she will never forgive him. As she tells him to conserve what energy he has left so he may live a moment longer, Byakuya, acquiescing to Rukia's request, states Ichigo should die shortly due to his injuries, but if he does survive, he will no longer possess any Shinigami powers. As they leave, Ichigo, noting he cannot move or speak, reflects upon how he came to protect Rukia, but instead she protected him again.[132] As Ichigo contemplates his injuries in the rain, Urahara approaches him.[133]
Ichigo throws Tessai out of bed
Ichigo awakens with anunexpected bedfellow.
When Ichigo awakens in Urahara's shop, Urahara tells him his wounds are not yet fully healed, and if he moves too much, he may die. When Ichigo asks him about Uryū's condition, Urahara states Uryū's injuries were treated on the spot, and when he left, he was worried about Ichigo, stating Ichigo was the only one who could beat the Shinigami and save Rukia. When Ichigo says he cannot do anything, as Rukia has been taken to Soul Society and he cannot follow, Urahara reveals he can send Ichigo there if he trains with Urahara for the next ten days, revealing Soul Society typically allows a grace period of one month before executions. Saying Ichigo will die if he goes there in his current condition, he reveals he purposely allowed Ichigo to fight Renji and Byakuya so he would realize this after having fought them himself. He states it will take seven days to open the gate to Soul Society, leaving Ichigo with thirteen days in Soul Society to rescue Rukia. Though unsure if he can become strong enough in ten days, Ichigo agrees to Urahara's deal.[134]
Orihime & Ichigo talk
Orihime asks Ichigo about Rukia's disappearance.
Giving Ichigo some pills to take every hour, Urahara, saying he will recover from his injuries by dinnertime, sends him to school for the final day of the term. At school, Ichigo notes how nobody appears to remember Rukia. As Misatodismisses the class for summer, Ichigo, noting Uryū's absence, thinks he would remember Rukia. As he walks home after dismissing Keigo's invitation to spend the holiday with him, he meets Orihime, who, asking him where Rukia is, notes everyone has forgotten about her, but she believed Ichigo would know. Explaining the situation to her, Ichigo is surprised she can see his Shinigami form. Noting Ichigo has already made up his mind to rescue Rukia, Orihime, telling him to go save her, insists she does not want her friend to die either. Thanking her, Ichigo, going to the Urahara Shop, shows Urahara his healed wounds. Telling Urahara he told Isshin he would be sleeping over at a friend's house, he asks Urahara to teach him well.[135]
Ururu Vs Ichigo
Ururu Tsumugiya attacks Ichigo.
In Urahara's training area, Ichigo's soul form is freed from his body, and he finds it difficult to move. Urahara reveals Byakuya destroyed the source of his power, leaving him without any Shinigami powers, and he must restore these in order to fight the Shinigami. Explaining about Reiryoku, stating the more one's Reiryoku rises, the sharper the movements of their spiritual body become, he says if Ichigo can manage to move even better with his spiritual body than he can with his mortal body, they will have completely recovered his Reiryoku. Urahara has Ururu Tsumugiya attack Ichigo, and she lunges at him, creating a large cloud of dust and debris.[136] Emerging from the dust, Ichigo runs away from Ururu after another near miss. Realizing he is able to run away from her, Ichigo attempts to dodge her attacks directly. Successfully dodging, Ichigo attacks Ururu by trying to hit her headgear lightly, believing the weight difference will do the rest. When he hits and cuts her face, Ururu kicks him into a rocky outcropping. Catching Ichigo before he hits it, Tessai cushions him from the impact.[137]
Tessai Cuts Ichigo's Soul Chain
Tessai severs Ichigo's Chain of Fate.
Congratulating him on clearing the lesson, Urahara asks if Ichigo is still having trouble breathing or moving, which he is not. As Urahara says he has successfully recovered his spirit energy, and the soul tends to gain the Reiryoku faster when it is in danger of being destroyed, Tessai, cutting Ichigo'sChain of Fate, pins him to the ground.[138] Telling him the chain has already begun to corrode from the severed end, Urahara states if it reaches his chest, Ichigo will become a Hollow, but he can avoid this by becoming a Shinigami instead. The point of this lesson, which Urahara calls "Shattered Shaft," is to restore Ichigo's Shinigami powers. Dropped to the bottom of a shaft, he is bound with a Kin spell, and Urahara tells him to scale the vertical sides of the deep shaft.[139] Revealing there is a gas at the bottom of the shaft which speeds up the corrosion process to at most 72 hours, he tells Ichigo to become a Shinigami and climb out of the hole before that, or else he will become a Hollow, and they will destroy him.[140]
After the corrosion of the chain's fifth link, Ichigo notes the process alternates between a few minutes of painful corrosion and a few hours of dormancy. Only able to attempt to escape during the dormant phases, Ichigo unsuccessfully tries to run up the wall. Asking him if he is hungry, Jinta Hanakari explains a soul feeling hungry is a sign they will soon become a Hollow. Later, as Ichigo wonders how long he has been in the hole for and how he can get out of it, Jinta runs down the shaft's wall with a platter of fruit for him. When Ichigo, denying he is hungry, says the chain is still long, Jinta reveals it has been seventy hours since he entered the shaft, and the final corrosion phase is stronger than the earlier ones. As the remaining length of the chain begins to corrode, a hole opens in Ichigo's chest, and a mask begins to form over his face.[141] Urahara explains the mask forming before his body reforms shows Ichigo is resisting the transformation.[142]
Ichigo awakens in inner world
Ichigo awakens in his inner world.
Awakening inside his consciousness, Ichigo sees a man standing on a building. Surprised that Ichigo does not recognize him, the man says his name, but Ichigo cannot hear it. Stating it is sad, the man asks how many times he has to tell him his name before he is able to hear it, as he thought nobody in this world knew him better than Ichigo. When Ichigo falls from the building, the man, following him, states he should not worry, as Shinigami control death. As Ichigo tells him he is not currently a Shinigami, the man, telling him to focus the Reishi around him underneath his feet to stand on, urges Ichigo to remember a time when he stopped in mid-air as a Shinigami. He tells Ichigo Byakuya destroyed the powers given to him by Rukia, but Ichigo has his own Shinigami powers, which were hidden deep in his soul and awakened by Rukia's power. As the world crumbles around him, he instructs Ichigo to find it.[143]
The new Ichigo emerges
Ichigo emerges from the Shattered Shaft.
With the buildings of his inner world dissolving into countless boxes, Ichigo, falling through a fissure into water, wonders how he can find his own powers. Remembering Uryū stating Shinigami have red Reiraku, he uses this to find a box containing a Zanpakutō's hilt. Telling him this time he ought to hear his name, the man urges him to take the hilt.[144] As Ichigo struggles to pull out the Zanpakutō, back in the shaft, the Kidō restraining Ichigo breaks apart. When Tessai activates the next stage of the Kidō, Bankin, an explosion erupts from the shaft. As the smoke clears, Ichigo, wearing a Hollow mask and Shinigami clothes, uses his still broken Zanpakutō to smash the Hollow mask. Congratulating him on his success, Urahara says he is now a complete Shinigami. Having sworn to kill Urahara when he got out of the shaft, Ichigo hits him in the eye with the sword's hilt. Urahara starts the third lesson, which is simply to knock the hat off of Urahara's head. As Ichigo proposes a five minute time limit, Urahara draws a blade from within his cane.[145]
Ichigo and Urahara clash swords
Ichigo and Kisuke Uraharaclash.
Overwhelming Ichigo, Urahara, revealing his sword is a Zanpakutō, activatesBenihime's Shikai.[146] As Ichigo remembers Renji using his Shikai during their fight, Urahara, telling him every Zanpakutō has a name, cuts through the remains of Ichigo's blade until just the hilt remains, saying if he continues to fight with just the hilt, he will kill him. As Ichigo, thinking he is going to die, runs away, Urahara continues to attack him. Ichigo sees the man from his inner world again, who, asking why Ichigo ran when he has not yet called him, reveals his name isZangetsu.[147] Stopping in his tracks, Ichigo, turning towards Urahara, calls out Zangetsu, activating his Shikai. Looking at the new form of his Zanpakutō, Ichigo, telling Urahara he might not be able to hold back, swings Zangetsu at him, who uses Chikasumi no Tate. As the dust settles, a hat-less Urahara, stating he would have lost an arm if it were not for Chikasumi no Tate, says he did not expect so much from one swing.[148]
After completing Urahara's training, Ichigo has a relatively normal summer holiday while waiting for the gate to Soul Society to be opened. On the first of August, Ichigo and his friends gather for a fireworks festival, where they catch up. Isshin and the twins, running up to Ichigo, knock him down a bank. When Ichigo asks if they are drunk, Isshin reveals a juice seller used wine to dilute their juice instead of water. Telling the group they saved a seat on the opposite bank of the river that morning, Isshin heads off with the girls and several of Ichigo's friends.[149] Later that night, after complaining to a drunken Isshin about having to carry his sisters, Ichigo tells him he will be leaving soon, and he might not be back until the summer vacation ends.[150]
Isshin gives Ichigo a protective charm
Isshin presents Ichigo with a protective charm.
Seven days after completing his training, Ichigo is summoned to the Urahara Shop. As he leaves, Ichigo says goodbye to his sisters. Isshin lends him an amulet, which he claims Masaki gave to him, stating it will bring him good fortune. On his way to Urahara's, Ichigo meets up with Orihime. Revealing he did not know she was going until Urahara mentioned it, Ichigo asks her if she is sure about it. When they arrive at the shop, they find Sado waiting for them, and Ichigo, asking where Uryū is, says he had heard he was coming too. When Uryū, arriving in a Quincy outfit, promises to show Ichigo how powerful he has become, Ichigo criticizes him for walking the entire way there wearing that outfit. Interrupting them, Urahara invites the group inside.[151]
The Kōtotsu chases Ichigo's group through the Dangai.
In the underground training area, Urahara, revealing the Senkaimon they will be using to enter Soul Society, removes Ichigo's Shinigami form from his body. As the others examine his body, Ichigo complains about them touching it freely. Explaining how the Senkaimon works, Urahara says it will only stay open for four minutes. If they do not reach Soul Society in that time, they will become trapped in the Dangai. When Yoruichi tells them only those who are truly ready for the task can go, Ichigo says everyone gathered there has already made their decision and will go to Soul Society. When Yoruichi tells him they will never return if they lose, Ichigo states they simply have to win. When the Senkaimon opens, Ichigo tells Kon to take care of his family. Entering the gate, Ichigo, Uryū, Orihime, Sado, and Yoruichi appear in the Dangai.[152] As they run, Uryū's cape is caught by the Kōryū. Ichigo is warned not to use his Zanpakutō, as the Kōryū will trap it and he will not escape. After Sado frees Uryū, the group are chased by the Kōtotsu, and Orihime uses her shield to protect them from it, propelling them through the exit and into Soul Society.[153]

Soul Society arc

Ichigo's new strength
Ichigo uses his new strength against Jidanbō Ikkanzaka.
As Ichigo tries to enter Seireitei, he is stopped by the gatekeeper Jidanbō Ikkanzaka.[154] Facing the giant alone, Ichigo displays his new might by easily defeating him. Upon gaining access to Seireitei, he is repelled outside the gate by Captain Gin Ichimaru.[155] After spending some time in Rukongai, where he encounters and briefly fights Ganju Shiba, Ichigo and the others are brought toKūkaku Shiba in search of a new means of entering Seireitei. There, Ichigo trains to operate the Reishūkaku they will being using to breach the protective barrier above Seireitei. Joining the group, Ganju helps Ichigo learn how to use the Reishūkaku. At dawn, they are launched from Kūkaku's Kakaku Hōfireworks cannon. Despite Ichigo's struggle to control his power input to theReishūkaku, they successfully break through the barrier, only to be separated from each other.[156] Grabbing Ichigo, Ganju ensures a safe landing for them, but Ichigo is confronted by Ikkaku Madarame. Beating Ikkaku, Ichigo, sparing his life, learns that as the strongest of the intruders, he will be hunted down by Captain Kenpachi Zaraki.[157]
Ichigo Attacks Renji (ep31)
Ichigo fighting Renji in their second battle.
Accidentally attracting the attention of more Shinigami, Ichigo meets up with Ganju again. Surrounded, they decide to take Hanatarō Yamada hostage as they try to escape. Stuck with Hanatarō, they take advantage of his offer to show them a shortcut through the sewers to Rukia's cell.[158] Upon exiting the sewers, Ichigo is confronted by Renji, who gravely injures Ichigo in their ensuing battle. After a struggle, Ichigo, becoming stronger during the fight, defeats Renji with a Getsuga Tenshō. Renji begs him to rescue Rukia. In the sewers, Ichigo is healed by Hanatarō, who discovers Ichigo's Hollow mask lessened the damage from what would have been fatal blows by Renji.[159] After recovering, Ichigo, encountering Kenpachi, initially struggles to even cut the powerful captain. After Zangetsu helps Ichigo find his resolve, Ichigo manages to injure Kenpachi. Viewing Ichigo as his equal, Kenpachi decides to unleash his full power, prompting Ichigo and Zangetsu to work together to summon his full power. After the fight ends, with both of them incapacitated, Ichigo is rescued by Yoruichi.[160][161][162]
54Ichigo holds
Ichigo frees Rukia from theSōkyoku execution stand.
After learning of Yoruichi's true Shinigami form and being partly healed, Ichigo rushes to save Hanatarō and Ganju from Byakuya.[163] Upon his arrival, he confronts Byakuya, but, knowing Ichigo is not ready to fight someone of Byakuya's caliber, Yoruichi, stopping the fight, incapacitates Ichigo, swearing to make Ichigo stronger than Byakuya in three days.[164][165] After escaping, Yoruichi, taking Ichigo to a hidden area, tells Ichigo he cannot save Rukia with his present power, asking him to undergo Bankai Training.[166] Upon completing this training, Ichigo stops the Sōkyoku from killing Rukia, and, after sympathetic Captains Shunsui Kyōraku and Jūshirō Ukitake destroy the Sōkyoku, Ichigo, freeing Rukia, gives her to Renji to protect. After stopping three lieutenants from pursuing them, he is confronted by Byakuya once more.[167]
Ichigo holds sword to Byakuya's neck
The final fight of Byakuya and Ichigo.
Coercing Byakuya into using his Bankai, Ichigo, unable to keep up just using his Shikai, reveals his own Bankai, Tensa Zangetsu, and uses his increased speed to outmaneuver Byakuya's Bankai. After Byakuya counters with his Senkeitechnique, after a while, Ichigo begins to slow and weaken, giving Byakuya the chance to immobilize him. As he is about to be struck down, Ichigo's inner Hollow, surfacing, injures Byakuya. After regaining control of himself, Ichigo and Byakuya prepare for one final clash. When Ichigo demands to know why Byakuya will not save his sister, Byakuya promises to answer if Ichigo wins. After they clash, while Ichigo struggles to stand, Byakuya explains himself.[168]
Sōsuke Aizen effortlessly defeats Ichigo.
Through a message relayed via Kidō byIsane Kotetsu, Ichigo finds out the events in Soul Society were an elaborate plot masterminded by Sōsuke Aizen. When Renji, refusing to hand over Rukia, is wounded by Aizen, Ichigo arrives to fight against the treacherous captain.[169]Joining forces to fight off Aizen, the pair's effort proves to be futile, and Aizen, blocking their attack, cuts through Ichigo's midriff, defeating him.[170] As Aizen takes Rukia by the collar, Ichigo interrupts him, and Aizen tells Ichigo how he had planned every move from the beginning for his goal; obtaining the Hōgyoku. After Aizen defeats Captain Sajin Komamura, Ichigo is dumbstruck at the difference in power. Continuing his explanation, Aizen states Urahara, planting the Hōgyoku inside Rukia's soul to hide it, gave her a Gigai which would ultimately reduce her to a normal Human.[171] Ichigo helplessly looks on as Aizen, extracting the Hōgyoku from within Rukia, departs for Hueco Mundo.[172]
After being healed by Orihime, Ichigo and the others spend a week in Soul Society, where he, sparring with the 11th Division, learns from Rukia she has decided to stay in Soul Society.[173] As they prepare to leave, Ukitake gives Ichigo a Substitute Shinigami badge which serves as a license, allowing him to hunt Hollows in his area officially.[174][175]

Bount arc (anime only)

Note: Events occurring in this arc are only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.

Arrancar arc

After Ichigo returns from Soul Society, Isshin attacks him in bed. Ichigo blocks the attack, earning praise from Isshin.[187] He returns the protective charm to Isshin, who, saying he does not want it, sews it to Ichigo's school uniform, leaving Ichigo to wonder if he lied about Masaki having given him the charm. At school, he realizes Tatsuki can see his Substitute Shinigami badge, which alerts him to a nearby Hollow, which he rushes to defeat.[188] After having Uryū patch up Kon's ragged plushie, Ichigo realizes he has lost his Quincy powers as a result of going to Soul Society. That night, he is confronted by Shinji Hirako, who reveals both he and Ichigo are Visored.[189][190]Ichigo shrugs off Shinji's repeated requests to join him.[191] When Ichigo, seeming depressed, returns from school, he, brushing off his family's concerns, goes to his room, where he contemplates still being able to hear his inner Hollow, and how it has been becoming worse lately.[192]
Ichigo vs Yammy
Ichigo blocks an attack fromYammy Llargo.
Interrupting his thoughts, Karin reveals she knows he is a Shinigami.[193] As Ichigo tries to dismiss this notion, the arrival of two Arrancar in Karakura Towncauses Ichigo to rush off.[194] Upon seeing Sado injured, Ichigo, battling Yammy Llargo with his Bankai, manages to cut off his arm. Ichigo's inner Hollow, interfering, paralyzes Ichigo, allowing Yammy to injure both him and Orihime. Yoruichi and Urahara arrive to protect them, prompting the Arrancar to withdraw.[195]
After his failure against Yammy, Ichigo becomes depressed that he cannot protect his friends.[196] This mood lasts until the arrival of a Gotei 13 expeditionary force under the command of Tōshirō Hitsugaya. Rukia forces Ichigo to defeat a Hollow, all the while chastising him, and forces him to apologize to Orihime.[197] Later that day, Ichigo, discussing the growing Arrancar threat with Hitsugaya's force, learns what the Arrancar actually are.[198] After they discuss the mission, Ichigo, annoyed by their company, asks them when they will be leaving. When Renji tells him they cannot return to Soul Society until after the Arrancar threat is dealt with, Ichigo insists they cannot all stay at his house, and they eventually leave, except for Rukia, who convinces Isshin and Yuzu to allow her to stay in the girls' room using a cover story.[199][200][201]
Ichigo saves Chad from Di Roy
Ichigo stops Di Roy Rinkerfrom killing Sado.
During the night, six Arrancar, lead by Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez invade Karakura Town, seeking targets with spiritual power.[202] Rukia states one of them has already arrived at Sado's house.[203] Sado is attacked by Di Roy Rinker, but Ichigo arrives in time to stops him.[204] Ichigo tells Sado to let him handle the Arrancar, and Sado leaves.[205] When Rukia, arriving, asks Ichigo what he said to Sado, Ichigo tells her he told him to step aside and let him fight. Telling Ichigo to step aside, as he already exceeded his strength when he fought Yammy, Rukia transforms into her Shinigami form, which surprises Ichigo. Chappy, the Artificial Soul possessing Rukia's Gigai, restrains Ichigo while Rukia fights.[206][207] As Chappy explains Rukia's Zanpakutō to him, they areconfronted by Grimmjow.[208]
Ichigo vs. Grimmjow - Round 1
Ichigo fights Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
As Rukia yells to Ichigo to retreat, Grimmjow impales her. Charging at Grimmjow, Ichigo, unable to harm him with his Shikai, activates his Bankai, but Grimmjow, blocking Ichigo's strikes unarmed, outmaneuvers him.[209][210] Grimmjow continues to overwhelm Ichigo until he uses his black Getsuga Tenshō to attack Grimmjow. Blocking it with his arms, the Arrancar takes minimal damage, and Ichigo realizes he is in danger of his inner Hollow taking over.[211] The fight is brought to a close when Kaname Tōsen forces Grimmjow return to Hueco Mundo. When an angry Ichigo demands Grimmjow finish their fight, Grimmjow counters by saying the only reason Ichigo is still alive is because he is leaving before their fight is finished. As the Garganta closes, Ichigo is left to ponder the events which have occurred. When Renji, arriving, asks Ichigo if he won, Ichigo states he lost, but Renji says since he is alive, it means he won. Telling him not to patronize him, as he would not be saying this if he were in Ichigo's position, Ichigo states he cannot protect anyone or even help the wounded.[212]
Vizards pin Hollow Ichigo to ground
The other Visored stop Ichigo's inner Hollow from killingHiyori Sarugaki.
Feeling unable to control his inner Hollow, Ichigo seeks out the Visored in order to gain control.[213] At their hideout, Hiyori Sarugaki draws out his inner Hollow, which nearly kills her. The other Visored stop Ichigo, who is told he must force the Hollow into the very core of his soul.[214][215] After a brief period of unappreciated training, Ichigo is sent in to his inner world to face his inner Hollow. While the Visored fight his out of control body, in his inner world, Ichigo, unable to damage the Hollow, is instead stabbed. After a brief discourse with his Hollow and another with a manifestation of Kenpachi, Ichigo learns he lacks pure fighting spirit, instead needing reasons to fight his opponents. His spirit rekindled by this revelation, Ichigo, subduing his inner Hollow, regains consciousness.[216][217] Ichigo trains with Hiyori to increase the amount of time he can stay in his new masked form.[218]
Ichigo vs Grimmjow - 2nd Fight
Ichigo challenges Grimmjow, donning his Hollow mask in battle for the first time.
A month later, Ichigo once again fights Grimmjow, though he can only remain in his masked form for eleven seconds. As he overwhelms the 6th Espada, his mask crumbles when the time limit expires, and Grimmjow counterattacks. Pinning his hands to the ground, the Espada tries to kill him with a Cero, but Rukia freezes his arm. As Grimmjow tries to kill her, Shinji, stepping in, fights him until the Arrancar retreat.[219][220][221] When tending to Ichigo's wounds, the Visored Hachigen Ushōda reveals Ichigo's spiritual power has been contaminated somewhat by Grimmjow's, and, at his behest, Rukia takes Ichigo home to recover.[222] While in a deep sleep, he is visited by Orihime, who heals his wounds.[223]
Renji silences Ichigo
Renji silences Ichigo as he protests.
When Ichigo awakens, he realizes his wrist has been healed by Orihime. Hitsugaya brings him to Orihime's apartment for an emergency communication with Soul Society. Captain Ukitake tells them Orihime was taken by an Arrancar, and might have been killed. When Ichigo reveals she visited him to heal him the night before, Captain-CommanderYamamoto believes she has betrayed them. Silencing Ichigo's protest, Renji requests permission to go to Hueco Mundo to rescue her, but the request is denied. When Ichigo asks to go save Orihime by himself, Yamamoto, once again denying the request, states Ichigo is a significant asset to Soul Society. The Shinigami are ordered to return to Soul Society to fortify their defenses, leaving Ichigo alone.[224]
While being confronted by Tatsuki over Orihime's disappearance, Ichigo learns Tatsuki can see him in Shinigami form. Trying to distance himself from his friends, Ichigo goes to Urahara's shop. Ichigo is joined by Uryū and Sado, and, after some convincing, the trio agree to help each other rescue Orihime. Urahara opens a Garganta to Hueco Mundo, and they enter the portal.[225]

Hueco Mundo arc

Ichigo, Nel Tu, Dordonni
Ichigo and Nel Tu run into thePrivaron Espada Dordoni.
As Ichigo, Sado, and Uryū enter Hueco Mundo, they are promptly attacked by two Arrancar, Demoura Zodd and Aisslinger Wernarr. Ichigo is told to stay back as Sado and Uryū engage the two Arrancar by themselves. Once they win, the room and passageway collapses around them, forcing the trio to race outside, where they see Las Noches.[226][227][228] Seeing Nel Tu being chased by three Hollows, they, intervening, are surprised to learn the child is an Arrancar, and her pursuers are her two "brothers" and their pet playing a game.[229] Travelling toward Las Noches, the expanded group comes under attack by the sand-based Hollow, Runuganga. The Hollow is immune to their attacks, but the group is saved by Renji and Rukia, who defeat it.[230] Breaking into Las Noches, Ichigo and his group split up. Following Ichigo, Nel catches up to him just as he is attacked by Dordoni Alessandro Del Socaccio.[231]
Trying to defeat the Privaron Espada without his Bankai, Ichigo is unable to do so. When Dordoni fires a Cero at Ichigo, Nel, intervening, absorbs the blast before firing it back at him. Dordoni attacks Nel, prompting Ichigo to use his Bankai to save her.[232][233] Dordoni tries to convince Ichigo to use his Hollow mask, which he ultimately does, defeating Dordoni in an instant upon doing so. Partly healed by Nel, Dordoni attacks Ichigo, who, blocking the attack, runs away with Nel after Dordoni gives his life to keep the Exequias from stopping them. Upon sensing Rukia's defeat, Ichigo is confronted by Ulquiorra.[234]
Ulquiorra stabs Ichigo
Ulquiorra stabs Ichigo with his hand.
When Ulquiorra tells Ichigo Rukia has been killed, Ichigo, attempting to leave to save her, reasons he and Ulquiorra have no reason to fight. When Ulquiorra successfully goads Ichigo into fighting, Ichigo delivers an extremely powerful attack, but Ulquiorra, suffering little damage, counterattacks, revealing himself to be the 4th Espada. Impaling Ichigo's chest with his hand, Ulquiorra leaves.[235] Grimmjow, wanting to fight him at full strength, brings Orihime to heal Ichigo.[236]
Ichigo protects Nel & Orihime
Ichigo protecting Orihime and Nel from Grimmjow's attack.
As their battle ensues, the advantage shifts between the two combatants. When Ichigo uses his Hollow mask to protect Orihime and Nel from Grimmjow's Gran Rey Cero, Grimmjow, seeing Ichigo is finally at his full strength, releases his Resurrección, fiercely attacking Ichigo.[237] As both combatants are heavily injured, Grimmjow prepares to strike down Ichigo, whom Orihime begs not to get hurt anymore. Stopping Grimmjow's attack, Ichigo slashes him. Enraged at the injury, Grimmjow, impaling Ichigo through the stomach, uses his most powerful attack, Desgarrón. Overcoming this, Ichigo defeats Grimmjow. As the 6th Espada tries to attack once more, Ichigo stops him. Nnoitra Gilga, appearing, incapacitates Grimmjow and, attacking Ichigo, reveals he is the 5th Espada.[238][239]
Nelliel takes over from Ichigo in the fight against Nnoitra.
As they fight, Nnoitra recognizes Nel as the former third Espada, Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck. As Nel denies this, Nnoitra attacks Ichigo again. Seeing Ichigo hurt, Nel, transforming into her adult form, battles Nnoitra, but eventually reverts to her child form. When Nnoitra kicks Nel, the enraged Ichigo, attacking again, is slammed into the ground. As Tesra Lindocruz moves in to kill Ichigo, Kenpachi, arriving, defeats Tesra. As Kenpachi and Nnoitra fight, Orihime heals Ichigo and Nel. As Orihime defends Yachiru Kusajishi, Ichigo, trying to stop Orihime, is stunned when he cannot break through her healing shield.[240][241][242]
Ichigo vs. Ulquiorra - Round 2
Ichigo facing off againstUlquiorra.
After Kenpachi defeats Nnoitra, Coyote Starrk recovers Orihime. Trying to stop him, Ichigo is unable to do so.[243][244] Using Tenteikūra, Aizen, announcing Orihime's location, says he is leaving to destroy Karakura Town. After Kenpachi explains his duty as a Substitute Shinigami, Ichigo, telling Kenpachi his duty is to protect his friends, rushes to rescue Orihime.[245] Upon arriving at the tower where Orihime is being held, he is attacked by the Exequias. Renji, Chad, and Rukia arrive to fight them so Ichigo can continue on. Ichigo finds Orihime under the guard of Ulquiorra, who draws his Zanpakutō to Ichigo Kurosaki & Uryū Ishida vs. Ulquiorra Cifer: Final Fightfight him.[246][247][248]

The New Captain Shūsuke Amagai arc (anime only)

Note: Events occurring in this arc are only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.

Fake Karakura Town arc

Masked Ichigo
Ichigo dons his Hollow mask to attack Ulquiorra.
As Ichigo's fight with Ulquiorra continues, Orihime, shielding Ichigo from an attack by Ulquiorra, is ambushed by other Arrancar, and Ulquiorra prevents Ichigo from helping her.[266][267] When Yammy Llargo and Uryū Ishida battle, Orihime is removed from danger. Telling Uryū to protect her, Ichigo, donning his Hollow mask, gains the upper hand against Ulquiorra. Moving the fight to the top of Las Noches, Ulquiorra releases his Zanpakutō, Murciélago.[268]Surviving his first attack, Ichigo quickly realizes how much stronger and faster Ulquiorra is.[269][270]
Oscuras Hole
Ichigo seemingly finished off by Ulquiorra's Cero Oscuras.
After a series of attacks, Ulquiorra asks Ichigo why he will not give up. Revealing he always knew Ulquiorra was stronger, Ichigo states nothing he sees him do will stop him from fighting. Trying to make Ichigo feel despair, Ulquiorra, activatingResurreccíon: Segunda Etapa, completely overwhelms him before firing a Cero through his chest, seemingly killing him.[271][272]Trying to heal him, Orihime pleads for Ichigo to help Uryū fight Ulquiorra.[273] Hearing Orihime's desperate cry for help, Ichigo, transforming into a new Hollow form, quickly defeats Ulquiorra.[274][275] After he injures Uryū, Ulquiorra manages to attack him again, resulting in Ichigo being restored to normal, the hole in his chest healed.[276][277] Shocked by the devastation he has created, Ichigo looks on as Ulquiorra dies.[278]
Ichigo unohana garganta
Ichigo and Unohana dive into the Garganta.
After recovering slightly from his battle, Ichigo saves Rukia from Yammy.[279][280] While noting the strange feeling of his newly altered Hollow mask, he is attacked by Yammy. As Ichigo realizes he is unable to summon his mask again, Byakuya and Kenpachi arrive to take over the fight.[281] As Byakuya tells him protecting Karakura Town is his duty, a Garganta is opened for him and Captain Retsu Unohana to travel to Karakura.[282] On their way through, Unohana, replenishing his energy, explains about Aizen's Shikai, saying he is the only one able to defeat him, due to having not seen it, and he must maintain this advantage.[283][284]
Ichigo's Arrival In Fake Karakura
Ichigo arrives in Fake Karakura Town.
Jumping out of the Garganta, Ichigo, trying to defeat Aizen in one blow, is blocked by a barrier. As Ichigo thinks he should have used his mask, Aizen tries to unnerve Ichigo.[285] As Ichigo begins to waiver, Sajin Komamura, appearing beside him, tells Ichigo not to be taken in by Aizen's words. As he states the Shinigami and Visored will not let him see Aizen's Shikai, they all gather around him.[286] Reluctantly resolving to trust in his allies and watch for now, Ichigo waits for an opening as Aizen defeats some of the Shinigami.[287][288]
Ichigo pounces on Aizen as he emerges from Yamamoto's attack.
When the captains and Visored are tricked by Aizen into attacking Momo Hinamori, Ichigo asks them what they are doing as they realize the truth.[289] When the remaining Shinigami are cut down, Captain-Commander Yamamoto, engaging Aizen in battle, tells Ichigo to fall back.[290] At the end of their battle, Ichigo attacks Aizen with a Getsuga Tenshō.[291] As Aizen's wounds are healed by the Hōgyoku, which he has implanted in his chest, he, complementing Ichigo's reiatsu, says he has grown, just as he had planned. Listing various important moments in the development of Ichigo's power, Aizen tells him all of his battles have taken place exactly as he desired.[292]
Isshin intervenes.
An angry Ichigo listens as Aizen, stating he believed Ichigo to be the perfect subject for his research, claims all of Ichigo's victories were by his own doing. Attacking, Ichigo states his claims do not match those he made in Soul Society. Asking why Ichigo believes he told the truth back then, Aizen claims responsibility for the events which have led Ichigo to this point. When Ichigo asks him when he came to the conclusion he would be a perfect research subject, Aizen, stating he has known about Ichigo from the day he was born, is interrupted by Isshin, who, taking his son away, says he will answer any questions later.[293] Saying he has none, Ichigo, stating Isshin must have had a reason to keep things a secret, thanks his father and returns to Aizen's location, where he fights Gin Ichimaru.[294]
Ichigo Kurosaki vs. Gin Ichimaru
Ichigo attacks Gin, but is blocked.
When Gin asks if Ichigo remembers their previous fight, Ichigo, explaining his philosophy on battle, notes he could not feel Gin's heart in his blade when they last fought.[295] As Gin releases his Bankai, Kamishini no Yari, Ichigo is able to stop his attacks, and as they continue exchanging attacks, Ichigo determines the speed of Gin's blade is its true danger, seeing beyond Gin's attempts to distract from this.[296][297] When the Hōgyoku begins to envelop Aizen, a shocked Ichigo asks Isshin what is occurring.[298]
Ichigo and Isshin
Isshin encourages Ichigo to go defend Karakura Town.
As Ichigo watches Urahara, Isshin, and Yoruichi battle Aizen, Gin stating his back is wide open, tells Ichigo to relax, and the two discuss Aizen and Ichigo's allies. Gin uses his Butō and Butō Renjintechniques, causing Ichigo to don his Hollow mask.[299] Telling him to run away, as he cannot win, Gin, moving to finish Ichigo off, is stopped by Aizen. Ichigo notices Urahara, Yoruichi and Isshin lying on the ground, and when Aizen and Gin leave via Senkaimon, Ichigo protests. Telling Ichigo to open a Senkaimon to follow them and defend the real Karakura Town, Isshin, struggling to persuade the despondent Ichigo to go, eventually succeeds.[300][301]
Tensa Zangetsu (spirit)
Tensa Zangetsu appears before Ichigo.
In the Dangai, Isshin takes advantage of the absence of the Kōtotsu to allow Ichigo to learn the final Getsuga Tenshō.[302] Explaining about the Dangai's time distortion, Isshin, suppressing the restrictive current, says he can give Ichigo three months to get information from Zangetsu about this ability.[303]Isshin explains about Jinzen, and Ichigo initiates it.[304] Awakening in his inner world, Ichigo, finding himself underwater, is confronted by the spirit of his Bankai, Tensa Zangetsu, who, calming him, notes it is natural for Ichigo not to recognize him, as it is his first time entering this world in Bankai, and attacks him.[305] As Ichigo tries to stop the fight, Tensa Zangetsu, knowing what Ichigo wants, states he cannot teach him such a technique. When Ichigo says he needs it to protect Karakura Town, Tensa Zangetsu says what they want to protect are different.[306]
Merged Tensa Zangetsu V Ichigo
Ichigo fights the merged Tensa Zangetsu.
Surprised at Tensa Zangetsu's reluctance, Ichigo listens as he notes the hope-filled skyscrapers which once filled his inner world now resembles Karakura Town, submerged by constant rain created by Ichigo falling into despair. Forcing Ichigo to confront the source of his despair, his inner Hollow, whom he believed had been defeated, Tensa Zangetsu states Ichigo will fight them together as they merge into one being, which, attacking him, tells Ichigo they are two parts of the same being and they are his power.[307][308] As they fight, Ichigo, observing the merged spirit's actions, discards his sword, allowing himself to be impaled. Congratulating Ichigo on figuring it out, the merged spirit, crying, reveals all he wanted is to protect Ichigo, stating the essence of the technique will be conveyed to him directly from the blade.[309]Telling Ichigo if he uses Saigo no Getsuga Tenshō, he will lose his Shinigami powers, he bids him farewell.[310]
308Ichigo arrives
Ichigo confronts Aizen in Karakura Town.
Later, Ichigo, now taller and with longer hair from his time in the Dangai, arrives with his unconscious father in Karakura Town.[311] Placing Isshin on the ground, he, thanking him, searches for his sisters' reiatsu to make sure they are safe. Greeting his friends, Ichigo, telling them to stay where they are, grabs Aizen and, bringing him outside Karakura Town, throws him into the ground.[312]
308Ichigo blocks
Ichigo blocks Aizen's attack with his bare hand.
As the two clash, causing significant damage to the surrounding area, Aizen, commenting on their changed appearances, gloats. Stopping Aizen's blade with his bare hand, Ichigo, asking Aizen if his feat is really that hard to believe, asks him if he is scared of what is in front of his eyes right now.[313] When Aizen uses "Kurohitsugi" on him, Ichigo destroys the spell, explaining to a stunned Aizen he did not notice Ichigo is stronger than him, and moves in to strike.[314]
308Ichigo injures
Ichigo injures Aizen.
As they fight, Aizen, transforming, fires an immensely powerful blast at Ichigo, who, surviving, sustains some damage. Grabbing him, Aizen gloats, but Ichigo slashes at his chest, forcing Aizen to release him. Tired of Aizen's logic, Ichigo, activating the "Final Getsuga Tenshō", explains the technique, and, using Mugetsu, severely wounds and weakens Aizen.[315][316] Watching as Aizen, his wounds healing once again, begins to revert to a more normal form, Ichigo, falling to the ground as his Shinigami powers weaken, looks on as Aizen is bound by Urahara's Kidō. After the two converse briefly, Aizen is finally sealed as Ichigo looks away.[317]
After the battle with Aizen, Ichigo, asking Urahara where everyone is, asks if everyone's memories have been erased. Saying no, which relieves Ichigo, Urahara tells him Aizen's punishment will be dealt with by Central 46. Asking him if Aizen was really rejected by the Hōgyoku, Ichigo, wondering if Aizen himself wished to lose his power, explains his theory of Aizen wishing to just be a Shinigami. When Orihime, Uryū, Rukia, Sado, and Renji arrive, Ichigo, greeting them, collapses, screaming in pain.[318]
Ep342 Ichigo&Rukia
Ichigo watches Rukia fade away.
A month later, Ichigo, regaining consciousness, finds himself back home, surrounded by Orihime, Rukia, Uryū, and Chad. When Rukia reveals Urahara told them he has lost his Shinigami power, Ichigo tells Rukia he will most likely have to give back his Substitute Shinigami title. Revealing the first stage of loss brings intense pain, loss of consciousness, and a reverse flow of the time his body experienced in the Dangai, she further explains he lost his Shinigami powers at that point. In the second stage, his remaining reiatsu stabilizes, he wakes up, and the remainder of his spiritual power completely disappears. Saying he expected this to happen, Ichigo, asking if he can go outside, notes he can no longer sense spiritual presences any more, and it is becoming harder to see Rukia. As Rukia starts to fade before his eyes, Ichigo, asking her to give his best regards to everyone, says goodbye and thanks her.[319]

Zanpakutō Unknown Tales arc (anime only)

Note: Events occurring in this arc are only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.

Beast Swords arc (anime only)

Note: Events occurring in this arc are only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.

Gotei 13 Invading Army arc (anime only)

Note: Events occurring in this arc are only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.

The Lost Substitute Shinigami arc

Ichigo and Keigo talk about school and the future.
Seventeen months after defeating Aizen, Ichigo, starting his third year in high school, notes ever since his powers disappeared, Karin's have been getting stronger. Since she has not asked him about it, Ichigo figures she is dealing with it well. At school, Ichigo, finding his Substitute Shinigami Badge in his bag, notes it has lost its abilities. Noticing Uryū running out of the classroom, aware he took over the Hollow extermination he used to cover, he notes to himself it is probably better for Uryū to handle it than Zennosuke Kurumadani.[364] At lunch, Keigo and Ichigo discuss future careers. When Keigo mentions Ichigo's grades were good when he began high school, but started slipping during the second half of his first year, Ichigo states he still did well despite the interference of his Shinigami duties. When Keigo asks about Rukia, Ichigo, asking why he brought her up, states she is not assigned to Karakura Town any more. Ichigo insists he is fine with his now peaceful life.[365]
Ichigo returns the stranger's bag to him.
As he walks home, Ichigo, stopping an armed thief, reflects on how he still has the body and reflexes of someone trained to fight and win. Returning the stolen property to its owner, Kūgo Ginjō, Ichigo asks for him to keep his actions a secret.[366] The next day, Ichigo has a dream in which he sees silhouettes of Renji, Byakuya and Rukia telling him to wake up. When he awakens to the sound of Isshin, who pounces on him, Ichigo dodges, sending Isshin through an open window. Dismissing Isshin's complaints, Ichigo says he would go to Soul Society if he died. Annoyed, Ichigo, blaming the weird dreams he has had recently on his father, demands he apologize to him.[367]
Obuta beat down
Ichigo and Uryū punch Obutatogether.
At school, Ichigo rents his services to Satoda, a member of the soccer club. As Ichigo prepares for practice, he bickers with Tatsuki, who reminds him to call his boss, Ikumi Unagiya, or he will be scolded by her again. Rushing out to call Ikumi, Ichigo has a short exchange with her about being fired. As he hangs up his phone, a gang arrives at the school looking for him. Ichigo sees the thief he had previously beaten up with them. When the gang leader demands Ichigo come forth, Uryū confronts the group, prompting Ichigo to rush to him to prevent the incident from worsening.[368] The two bicker at one another as they beat up the gang members. Before they finish, another gangster, Yokochini, appearing, asks Ichigo if he still remembers him. When he fails to remember him, Ichigo states he neither wants to nor cares about his past. Yokochini and his men are beaten by Ikumi, who, taking Ichigo away in a van, takes him to her office.[369]
Ichigo looks at the photo of Isshin.
Inside the Unagiya shop, Ikumi, showing Ichigo a pile of work documents, says he seldom does them, yelling at him to get to work. When Kūgo enters the store, Ichigo recognizes him as the man whose bag he recovered.[370] When Ichigo asks what he wants from him, Kūgo, showing him a picture of Isshin, asks for background information on him. Ichigo says Isshin is his father, and he can tell him anything he wants to know. Questioning whether Ichigo even knows enough to answer, Kūgo says he should not even know about his family yet.[371] When Ichigo tries to ask him what he means, Ikumi, interrupting, says she is closing shop for the day and will consider the job. As he leaves, Kūgo tells Ichigo to go to theUrahara Shop.[372]
Xcution Card
The card given to Ichigo byKūgo Ginjō.
There, Ichigo, witnessing Karin leaving, wonders why she was there. Kūgo approaches, calling Urahara a shady character. As Ichigo tries to defend Urahara, Kūgo, questioning how much he knows about Urahara, warns him to act quickly to defend his family.[373] Telling Kūgo he does not trust him, Ichigo is given a business card. Ichigo goes home, where Yuzu greets him with the results of her first exam, which she excelled at. Congratulating her, Ichigo, telling her to show it to Isshin, asks where he is. When she tells him he is not there, Ichigo, going up to his room, states he could find Isshin if he still had his Shinigami powers. Visiting with some leftover bread from her job, Orihime asks him if something happened recently or if he is being followed, which Ichigo denies.[374]
Ichigo visits Ishida
Ichigo and Orihime visit Uryū in the hospital.
At dinnertime, Ichigo, rushing to Karakura Hospital, looking for the injured Uryū, finds Orihime is already there. When he asks where Sado is, Orihime tells him he did not answer when he was called. After Ryūken Ishida reveals the cause of Uryū's wounds, Ichigo asks what happened. After Uryū states it had nothing to do with him, Ichigo offers to walk Orihime home, but Ryūken, deciding to drive her home instead, tells Ichigo he should get home as well. After thanking him, Ichigo runs off, frustrated there is something going on which he can do nothing about. When he dials the number on the card Kūgo gave him, a voice welcomes him to "Xcution."[375] Ichigo is given a complex dialing sequence to follow, which puts him through to Kūgo. After Ichigo complains about the complicated nature of the phone call, Kūgo arranges a meeting on the following evening at an address in Naruki City. The following day, when Orihime asks Ichigo if he knew what happened to Sado, who is absent from school, Ichigo, stating he does not know, declines an offer to go to Sado's house with her.[376]
E346 Kugo shows Ichigo Sword
Kūgo explains Fullbring to Ichigo.
That evening, when Ichigo arrives at the meeting place, he is greeted by Kūgo. Ichigo tells him his friend was attacked, and he wants his help. When Kūgo asks if Ichigo trusts him, Ichigo says he is probably not a normal Human. Givong a vague answer, Kūgo notes Ichigo has nobody else to count on. Inside the building, Kūgo, jinges about his request to investigate Isshin, insists it was a ruse to gain Ichigo's interest. As they enter Xcution's hideout, where Ichigo sees some of the other members of the group, Kūgo reveals they aim to restore his Shinigami powers.[377] When Ichigo demands to know how and why they intend to do this, Kūgo, insisting on taking their time, reveals the members of Xcution are Fullbringers, demonstrating their abilities. When a complaining Riruka Dokugamine enters the room, Ichigo asks Kūgo who she is. When he, introducing her, tells her to come in, she is followed inside by Yasutora Sado, surprising Ichigo.[378]
E346 Sado Ichigo in Xcution
Ichigo and Sado in Xcution's hideout.
When Ichigo angrily asks Sado why he is there and why he has not been going to school, Kūgo tells him to calm down so he can explain everything. As Ichigo glares at him, Kūgo reveals a Fullbringer is a person who had a parent who was attacked by a Hollow before their birth. Traces of the Hollow's powers remain in their mother's bodies and are passed on to them at birth. These powers are more like Hollow than Shinigami powers. He further explains Fullbringers do not enjoy their powers, similar to the way Ichigo hated his Hollow powers. Kūgo says he wants to erase his powers, and they have learned they can pass their powers on to someone who possesses both Human and Shinigami powers. Ichigo realizes he was not the first person born from a Shinigami and a Human.[379]
Kūgo says they have old allies who have reverted to being Human, and they will help Ichigo get his Shinigami powers back so he can help them become normal Humans. He explains Sado offered to help them because it meant Ichigo getting his powers back. Asking Sado to confirm this, Ichigo listens as he explains he sees the pain Ichigo feels at not being able to protect the people he cares about. He tells Ichigo he does not have to hide it, and his feeling this pain means this is who he is. When Kūgo says they will restore his Shinigami powers and add their own powers on top of that, Ichigo accepts this deal.[380]
Ichigo in the Dollhouse
Ichigo finds himself insideRiruka's doll house.
After arriving home late for the last two nights, Ichigo returns to the Kurosaki Clinic late once again, to the delight of Karin and Yuzu, whom he urges to go to bed, as it is late. Later, Ichigo is called back to Xcution's hideout, where Riruka uses her Fullbring to miniaturize and place him inside a doll house. Ichigo is confronted by Mr. Pork, a stuffed animal, which he is instructed to defeat by using Fullbring.[381] Mr. Pork, which has a yakuza man trapped inside it, attacks, forcing Ichigo to take evasive action. Shrugging off Riruka's complaints, Ichigo, saying he does not even understand the situation yet, asks how this will help him regain his Shinigami powers, and how he can suddenly use a power he has never used before. The yakuza says if he does not kill Ichigo within fifteen minutes, he will be trapped there permanently. After giving a brief explanation of Fullbring, Riruka leaves Ichigo, who, reflecting on what she said, thinks about how Kūgo transformed his pendant into a sword, concluding he should focus on something he regularly has with him. Arriving, Sado tells Ichigo to use his Substitute Shinigami Badge. Telling him he had just thought of it too, Ichigo holds his badge as the fifteen minutes expire and Mr. Pork, entering "Mad Beast Mode," grows in size.[382]
Ep349 Ichigo attacks Mr.Pork
Ichigo unleashes a Getsuga Tenshō-like attack to defeat Mr. Pork.
Sado tells Ichigo it was pride which allowed him to use his Fullbring. When Ichigo thinks of times he was proud to be a Shinigami, his badge begins to take the form of Tensa Zangetsu's tsuba.[383] When Kūgo explains the badge recorded every battle Ichigo ever fought, a shocked Ichigo, testing out a variety of ways to use this new power, successfully launches a large amount of energy shaped like a manji at Mr. Pork, which defeats him. Ichigo wonders if the power will help him get his Shinigami powers back.[384] At Ichigo's behest, Riruka restores him to his normal size. Briefly hearing a voice coming from the badge which he recognizes as Rukia's, Ichigo wonders what is happening.[385]
Listening as the yakuza tries to extort money from Riruka, Ichigo notes he looks exactly like the doll he was inside. When Ichigo asks if he is to stay for further training, he is told Fullbring puts more strain on the body than can be felt. Kūgo advises him not to push himself, as his body will fall to pieces if he wears himself out. Saying a few more days without his powers should be bearable after all this time, he promises to call him when he has recuperated. As Sado and Ichigo walk to Ssdo's home, the latter tells Ichigo Orihime has been bringing him leftover bread everyday lately. Ichigo tells him she is worried about him, and he should call her. As Sado goes to give half of it to Ichigo, he, noticing something wrong with her reiatsu, states something has happened to her.[386]
Ichigo and Sado rush to Orihime
Sado and Ichigo rush to Orihime's side.
When Ichigo tries to call Orihime, Sado tells him not to, as it could distract her and lead her to her death. He says he cannot quite locate Orihime's exact location, but Ichigo can tell by the direction they are going she is at her apartment.[387] Arriving to find Orihime kneeling in front of her door, they ask her if she is alright. Grabbing her shoulder, seeming distracted, Orihime, noticing Sado and Ichigo, asks why they are there. Hearing their explanation, Orihime tells them nothing happened, and she was with a friend before going into her apartment. As they leave, Ichigo asks Sado about Orihime. Stating he was probably sensing things wrong, Sado tells Ichigo not to worry.[388]
Realizing Sado and Orihime will not tell him anything, Ichigo, going to the Xcution hideout, explains the situation, telling them he believes Orihime was attacked by the same person who attacked Uryū. When Kūgo and Jackie Tristan both suspect it is Shūkurō Tsukishima, Ichigo asks who this is, and Kūgo reveals Tsukishima is a Fullbringer and the former leader of Xcution, who came up with the idea to give their powers to a Substitute Shinigami.[389] When they did so, he, killing the Shinigami and those who gave him their power, disappeared. Showing Ichigo a Substitute Shinigami Badge, he tells him he believes Tsukishima wants to keep Ichigo away from them, and is using his attacks on Uryū and Orihime to get his attention. He tells him to go home until they are ready for the next stage of training. While walking the streets, Ichigo, spotting Isshin meeting with Urahara in an alley, hides. When they leave, Ichigo, contemplating Kūgo's warning about Urahara, wonders if he should follow them, but decides not to. Later, Ichigo returns to Xcution's hideout, where Riruka places him inside a fish tank to fight Jackie.[390]
After an exchange of words between the pair, Jackie activates her Fullbring, Dirty Boots, and they begin to fight.[391] Telling Ichigo he is too lax, and he cannot take his time getting into a battle, Jackie warns Ichigo because he is in a living body, he will die if he keeps taking her attacks with his body. Ichigo fires an energy blast at her, only for Jackie to easily shatter it. Revealing he knows his attack's weakness, Ichigo uses Fullbring to increase his speed and attacks her. After being asked who taught him to fight, Ichigo explains he first learned from Urahara, but he learned from his battles as time went on, saying even though he was only a Shinigami for a brief time, he probably has more experience in battle than Xcution.[392]
Ichigos fullbring goes berserk
Ichigo's badge starts to go berserk.
As reiatsu from Ichigo's badge begins to engulf his right arm, Ichigo begins to tire. When Jackie says they will abort the training, as Ichigo's Fullbring is going berserk in a way she has never seen before, Ichigo is adamant in continuing. As Jackie calls for Kūgo to retrieve Riruka to end the training, Ichigo, pinning her to the ground, says his Fullbring is not going berserk and has always been like this. He believes this is his badge's way of telling him to hurry and get his Shinigami powers back soon. Believing it is too dangerous to continue, Jackie decides to stop him by force.[393]
Ichigo attacks Tsukishima
Ichigo clashes with Tsukishima.
When Tsukishima arrives at the Xcution headquarters, he cuts through the fish tank, and Ichigo emerges, engulfed in reiatsu shaped similarly to his Shinigami shihakushō.[394] Asking who he is, Ichigo clashes with him. When Sado attacks Tsukishima to protect Ichigo's new powers, Ichigo, learning he was being protected from the truth, realizes Tsukishima attacked both Uryū and Orihime. Managing to surprise Tsukishima in the subsequent clash, Ichigo is swiftly overwhelmed. Protecting him, Kūgo states he cannot let them fight yet.[395]
Ichigo attacking Tsukishima from behind
Ichigo attacks Tsukishima from behind.
When Ichigo refuses to cooperate, Kūgo, knocking him to the ground, tells him he is not fine if he can be dropped in his real body. As Ichigo tries to resume fighting, he is stopped by Sado, who tells him Tsukishima is too far ahead of him, and he cannot win in his current state. Disregarding this, Ichigo attacks Tsukishima, who, commenting on his rate of evolution, states he is becoming closer to the heights of his previous powers. Using his Fullbring, Yukio Hans Vorarlberna seals Ichigo, preventing him from interacting with Tsukishima.[396][397][398] Later, in Xcution's back-up hideout, Yukio frees Ichigo, who asks what happened with Tsukishima. When Kūgo states he has fled for now, Ichigo asks what Kūgo is worried about. Stating if Tsukishima wanted to harm Xcution, he could have kept going, but it seems his objective is Ichigo, Kūgo tells Yukio to help with Ichigo's training. When Ichigo asks if it will be a live battle, Kūgo, saying that is what seems to work best with him, states he will fight Ichigo himself.[399]
Yukio loads Ichigo and Kūgo into his console. Seeing this, Ichigo realizes this is what happened to him before on the rooftops, and Kūgo explains Yukio's Fullbring. Activating his own Fullbring, Kūgo, saying it would be great if they had rules like a video game, requests Yukio give them six HP each, prompting six crosses to appear above their heads. When Kūgo asks if Ichigo needs a tutorial, he, saying he understands, activates his Fullbring, and they charge at each other.[400] Arriving inside Yukio's game world to find a badly injured Ichigo lying on the ground, Orihime begins to heal him. When Ichigo guesses Sado called her, Sado, arriving, confirms this, saying he knows Ichigo did not want to get Orihime wrapped up in this, but they will need her.[401] When Kūgo, growing impatient, asks Ichigo if he is ready to fight, Ichigo says yes, ignoring Orihime's protest. After Orihime blocks Kūgo's attempted attack, they resume their fight.[402]
Following Orihime's arrival, Ichigo's movements become sharper. As he attacks Kūgo up close to counter the range of his sword, Kūgo, fending him off, injures Ichigo's leg.[403] As they fight, Ichigo notes he cannot feel anything from Kūgo's sword, comparing it with his battle with Gin Ichimaru. He notes while Tsukishima did not look at him, he felt his killing intent. He wonders if he cannot feel anything because they are not using Zanpakutō, or if it is because he does not fully trust Kūgo. Slashing Ichigo's eyes, Kūgo notes when Ichigo lost his powers, he also lost his resolve.[404]
Ichigo's Fullbring is completed
Ichigo's Fullbring is completed.
Blind and confused, Ichigo, demanding to know what Kūgo is doing, states he does not trust him, as he is not helping him as he had promised he would. Kūgo states their deal was to get his Shinigami powers back, and if he did not trust him, he should not have agreed to his training. When Yukio prevents Orihime from interfering, an enraged Ichigo, attacking, tries to dodge Kūgo's attacks by sensing the presence and sound of his opponent, but Kūgo, further injuring him, leaves Ichigo lying on the ground, impaled with his sword. Walking away, Kūgo, telling Ichigo he is going to kill Sado and Orihime, further taunts him. Struggling for a moment, Ichigo, reflecting on his inability to see, move, or speak, sees a white shape in the darkness, realizing he is beginning to see Kūgo's reiatsu. As Ichigo begins to manifest a new form, power explodes from him. Putting his life on the line to control the explosion, Kūgo expresses his pride in Ichigo's accomplishment, stating his villain act is not the best, and welcomes Ichigo to Xcution.[405]
Ep358 Ichigo holding sword
Ichigo tests out his completed Fullbring.
After completing his Fullbring, Ichigo is put through a new training regiment to increase his stamina to meet the demands of using Fullbring. When Kūgo asks if Ichigo saw something when he completed his Fullbring, Ichigo is shocked he knows this. Kūgo says Ichigo saw him bathed in reiatsu, which is why he cut Ichigo's eyes, as that is proof Ichigo is beginning to regain his Shinigami powers. Kūgo explains when Ichigo lost his reiatsu, a tiny portion accumulated in a single location inside of him over time, which is why they used the reiatsu flowing from his badge to jolt that awake. He says all that is left to do is to beef up his new body and powers, and his Fullbring and Shinigami powers will fuse, giving Ichigo a power transcending that of a Shinigami. Taking his badge, Ichigo, trying out his new Fullbring, leaves Yukio's Fullbring, thanking him. Yukio states only 90 minutes have passed, thanks to his Fullbring's abilities. Going home, Ichigo is met at the door by Yuzu, who says they have a surprise guest. He finds Tsukishima, whom Yuzu calls cousin Shū, sitting on the couch. Tsukishima greets Ichigo.[406]
Ichigo Runs from Tsukishima
Ichigo flees his home in horror at Tsukishima's manipulation.
Watching in disbelief, Ichigo, grabbing Tsukishima, demands an explanation for why he is there. As Karin and Yuzu try to pry him off Tsukishima, the doorbell rings. Asking Yuzu to get it, Tsukishima says it must be Keigo and the others. As Tatsuki begins to lecture Ichigo on staying out so late, Tsukishima, telling Ichigo he called everyone, starts to call Sado and Orihime as well. As he is on the phone, Ichigo attacks him, prompting Tatsuki to berate Ichigo for attacking his relative. As Ichigo states she is wrong, everyone asks why he is acting the way he is. Fleeing his house, Ichigo, wondering whether what is going on is Tsukishima's ability, runs into Ikumi, who takes him to her store to let him calm down and talk about it. As Ichigo decides against telling her about Shinigami and Hollows, as it would make her uncomfortable, Tsukishima arrives at the store, and Ichigo, fleeing once again, says he needs someone in their right mind. Finding him, Kūgo says everyone in Xcution has fallen for Tsukishima's trap.[407]
Kūgo takes Ichigo to a location, which he says no members of Xcution know about, to discuss what has transpired. When Ichigo wonders why everyone is acting the way they are, Kūgo tells Ichigo that, thanks to information Sado provided about Tsukishima's attack on Orihime and with what has transpired, his ability may be inserting himself into people's pasts. When Ichigo asks if it would stop if Tsukishima were to die, Kūgo, telling Ichigo he does not know, asks if Ichigo could kill him despite this. Finding them, Yukio takes them to Tsukishima's mansion.[408]
Ichigo Assaults Tsukishima
Ichigo in complete Fullbring form, begins his assault on Tsukishima.
As Ichigo, angrily rushing towards Tsukishima when he spots him, reaches for his badge, Kūgo, stopping him, warns Ichigo if he is correct about Tsukishima's ability, they will be in trouble if he is cut even once. Inviting them inside, Tsukishima says he only wants to talk. As a reluctant Ichigo enters the mansion, his family and friends, greeting him, tell a shocked Ichigo he should be happy Tsukishima is not angry, urging him to apologize. Kūgo tells him not to worry, because even though they view Tsukishima as a friend, they still view Ichigo as their friend. It is too much for Ichigo to handle, and he flees the room. He wants to kill Tsukishima, but he cannot fight him where his friends and family can be dragged into it. Going upstairs, he comes across the other members of Xcution. As Tsukishima appears behind Ichigo, Kūgo appears, having destroyed the stairs so Ichigo's family and friends cannot follow, and tells Ichigo he can now fight without holding back. Ichigo activates his Fullbring, and while Tsukishima is activating his, Ichigo cuts off his left arm. As Tsukishima expresses his surprise at Ichigo mastering his Fullbring in such a short time, Ichigo tells him he arrived to kill him. As Sado bursts through the window, he and Orihime shield Tsukishima.[409]
Ichigo tries to attack but is stopped by Orihime's Santen Kesshun.
As Orihime heals Tsukishima's arm, Ichigo is left unable to believe Sado and Orihime have become the same as the others. As Both Orihime and Sado say Ichigo was able to save Rukia and defeat Aizen because Tsukishima helped him do so, Tsukishima, appearing behind Ichigo, asks him if he understands, but Ichigo tries to attack him.[410] As Tsukishima reveals the ability of his Fullbring, Book of the End, is to modify the past of those affected by it, Ichigo tries to attack him, but Orihime stops him with her Santen Kesshun. As Sado, trying to attack Ichigo, says he did not become strong to fight with Ichigo, he attacks again, and Ichigo is pushed outside from the force of the attack. As he, wondering why things turned out this way, says he only wanted to protect his friends, he asks what he got his powers back for. When Tsukishima appears above Ichigo, he charges at him.[411]
Kugo stabbed by Tsukishima
Kūgo protects Ichigo from Tsukishima's attack.
As they fight, Tsukishima gets behind Ichigo to attack him, but Kūgo takes the attack instead.[412] When Ichigo rushes to see if Kūgo is alright, Kūgo insists he is a comrade. When Uryū arrives, Ichigo questions his allegiance. Not wanting to fall for a trap, Ichigo is hesitant to listen to Uryū. As Uryū tells Ichigo it was Kūgo who attacked him, Kūgo attacks Ichigo, who asks if Kūgo was turned by Tsukishima's powers. Revealing their allegiance was a ruse, and Tsukishima had just returned him back to normal by cutting him a second time, Kūgo, merging the Substitute Shinigami Badge he had with his sword, tells Ichigo it is time to relieve him of his Fullbring, stabbing Ichigo through his chest.[413]
Kūgo reveals he was the one who actually attacked Uryū, and ordered Tsukishima to cut him, making them "enemies" who betrayed each other. Kūgo further states Tsukishima's ability prevented Ichigo from suspecting him. As Kūgo withdraws his blade from Ichigo's chest and Ichigo's Fullbring disappears, Ichigo thinks about how hard it was for him to go seventeen months without any power, and when he thought he found a way, he was so happy he could protect his friends again. When a distraught Ichigo asks Kūgo to give his power back, Kūgo states it was power he gave to Ichigo, and it belongs to him. Kūgo says he will spare his life, and he should thank him.[414]
Rukia Returns
Ichigo realizes that it was Rukia who stabbed him.
After Tsukishima and Kūgo leave, Ichigo is stabbed in the back by Rukia with a special sword containing the reiatsu of the Gotei 13's senior officers and other Shinigami. Ichigo emerges from the resulting explosion with a new Shinigami outfit and a slightly altered Zangetsu, ready to fight. Greeting Ichigo, Rukia, momentarily berating him, reveals Urahara told her about Tsukishima's ability. Reassuring him about this, she explains about the sword Urahara made to restore Shinigami powers to Ichigo. Returning, Kūgo, disputing this, is cut off by the arrival of more Shinigami. Rukia tells Kūgo he only stole a small portion of Ichigo's power, which had Ichigo's Fullbring, and Ichigo's Shinigami powers well up from deep inside; he could never take that from him. Ichigo fires a Getsuga Tenshō at Kūgo.[415][416]
Getsuga tensho on kugo
Ichigo fires Getsuga Tenshō at Kūgo.
As Ichigo's Getsuga Tenshō misses Kūgo and Kūgo tries to retreat, Ichigo, stopping him, attacks Kūgo with another Getsuga Tenshō before asking if it was a crime to transfer Shinigami powers to a Human. As Renji reveals Captain-Commander Yamamoto ordered all captains and lieutenants to put their reiatsu into Urahara's sword to help bring back Ichigo's Shinigami powers, Hitsugaya tells him he did this because Ichigo was able to change Soul Society through his actions, and he should accept it proudly. As Ichigo notices Kūgo emerging from the dust below, Hitsugaya tells Ichigo Yamamoto also gave the order to stop the original Substitute Shinigami, Kūgo Ginjō.[417] When Ichigo is confused about this, Hitsugaya, reminding him of when Ukitake gave him his badge, tells Ichigo the Substitute Shinigami law was created solely because of Kūgo before stating they need to focus on Kūgo right now. Thanking Ichigo, Kūgo says if he had not taken his powers, he would have been dead by now.[418]
After Kūgo grants the other members of Xcution part of Ichigo's Fullbring, Ichigo attacks them all. Using his Fullbring, Yukio, deceiving Ichigo, protects the Fullbringers from harm. Reminding Ichigo they received his Fullbring powers, which allows for them to wear their powers as a mantle, he says with Ichigo's help, his Invaders Must Dieis now able to influence the world outside his console.[419] After Yukio uses his Fullbring to split everyone up into individual rooms, Ichigo and Uryū finds themselves facing Kūgo in a replica of Karakura Town, an environment which Kūgo says he picked so Ichigo could fight easier. When Ichigo asks if Uryū is hurt, the Quincy, saying Rukia healed him, apologizes to Ichigo, saying when he first saw the Substitute Badge, he had thought there were other Substitutes before him. He thought if the previous one was alive, they would have told Ichigo, and if he was dead, they would have said why, leading Uryū to believe Soul Society did not know. Kicking Uryū, Ichigo tells him it does not matter, as they could not have done anything anyhow, and he would have forgotten in a few days. The two momentarily bicker before returning their attention to Kūgo.[420]
Ichigo attacked by kugo
Ichigo falling victim to Kūgo's Getsuga Tenshō.
While Ichigo and Uryū fight Kūgo, they begin hiding from him. When Ichigo asks Uryū if he has a plan, Uryū tells him he was not trying to come up with one, but rather he was observing Kūgo's reiatsu. Abruptly leaving to confront Kūgo, Ichigo attacks him with a Getsuga Tenshō, but Kūgo, cutting through it with his sword, attacks him with a Getsuga Tenshō as well, surprising Ichigo. Uryū explains Kūgo, in addition to taking his Fullbring and reiatsu, must have taken Ichigo's full abilities as well.[421] As Kūgo and Ichigo continue to fight, Kūgo asks him what he is fighting for, which confuses Ichigo. Kūgo confirms Tsukishima is dying, and if a Fullbringer dies, all traces of their ability disappear. He asks Ichigo what he is fighting for, but when Ichigo does not answer him, Kūgo informs him of an enemy he should be fighting.[422]
Ichigo's new Bankai 2
Ichigo activates his Bankai.
When Ichigo dismisses this as an attempt to shake his resolve. Kūgo, stating the Substitute Shinigami Badge is given out whether the Substitute in question is beneficial to Soul Society or not, explains it has no authority, and its true purpose is to observe and restrict Ichigo's Shinigami powers while he has it with him. When Kūgo says this scheme was designed by Ukitake to control Substitute Shinigami, an enraged Ichigo releases his Bankai, which shatters the pocket dimension.[423] Dismissing Kūgo's words, Ichigo says he knew Ukitake was not trying to mislead him. After Kūgo activates his Bankai, the two clash.[424][425] Eventually, Kūgo's sword breaks, and he, badly injured, slumps to the ground, unable to continue. As Tsukishima tries to attack Ichigo, Riruka blocks the attack with her body instead.[426] Sometime after the fighting ends, he is at Urahara's shop, waiting for Riruka to wake up so he can make sure she is okay. He tells Riruka none of the other Fullbringers have been found.[427]
Ichigo greeted by the captains upon his return to Soul Society.
Ichigo goes to Soul Society to acquire Kūgo's body so he may bury it in the Human World. Upon arriving at the First Division, he finds the captains waiting for him. He is told to go inside the building by Kensei, whom he is surprised to see in a captain's uniform. After informing Yamamoto of his request, he dismisses Captain Hirako's words about forgiving Kūgo, stating his friends and family are back to normal, and calls Kūgo a "mere Substitute Shinigami." Yamamoto notes he must have thought carefully about using that phrase. Afterwards, Ichigo is asked about his Badge, but he, stating he trusts them, keeps it.[428] 

The Thousand-Year Blood War arc

Ivan appears
Ebern appears in Ichigo's room.
When several Hollows appear in Karakura Town, Ichigo arrives on the scene to help the Shinigami Ryūnosuke Yuki and Shino.[429] After Ichigo and his friends defeat the swarm of Hollow, he brings Ryūnosuke and Shino back to his home to recover. Two days later, Ryūnosuke awakens. As Ichigo asks who he is,Asguiaro Ebern appears on Ichigo's bed. Firmly telling him to get off his bed, Ichigo is refused.[430] In response, Ichigo, kicking him out the window, transforms into a Shinigami, following after him. As they move away from the house, Ichigo asks if Ebern is an Arrancar, why he wants to fight him, and if he is under someone's orders. Despite having a mask fragment, Ebern tells him he is not an Arrancar. Dropping a Quincy cross out of his sleeve, he forms a cannon-like weapon, to Ichigo's surprise.[431] As Ichigo wonders just what species Ebern is, he, fending off his attacks, notes Ebern is repeatedly taunting him, but, deciding he has little choice in the matter, activates his Bankai. When Ebern attempts to seal Ichigo's Bankai, Ichigo, breaking free, fires a Getsuga Tenshō at him.[432]As Ichigo decides to take Ebern with him for questioning, he escapes with the help of a strange shadow. Ichigo wonders what happened, for it was not a Garganta.[433]
485Nel tackles
Nel tackles Ichigo.
Upon returning to his friends, Ichigo learns from Ryūnosuke 1st DivisionLieutenant Chōjirō Sasakibe was recently killed by an unknown enemy group during a battle which left over a hundred Shinigami dead. Afterwards, Uryū informs Ichigo Soul Society probably let him know what happened in such detail because they wish for him to help them soon. Contemplating this later on, Ichigo, growing restless, decides to patrol the area. While doing so, he is surprised by the arrival of Nel, who begs him to help Hueco Mundo.[434] As Ichigo asks Nel what happened, before she can answer, Pesche appears.[435]After discussing it with his friends, Ichigo is told by Uryū he cannot come with them. Ichigo states Quincy exist to destroy Hollows, and they can do it without him. Appearing, Urahara asks if he should arrange a trip to Hueco Mundo.[436]
C487p6 Ichigo silences Nel Pesche
Ichigo tries to keep Nel and Pesche quiet.
While leading Ichigo and the others through the Garganta, Urahara, telling him about the amount of unusual activity recently which had put him on alert, says it is all connected and is not a trivial matter. As they arrive in Hueco Mundo, Ichigo tries to keep Nel and Pesche quiet, as the enemy is nearby. Upon seeing the dead bodies lying around, he, stopping Nel from looking at them, asks what will happen to those who are being dragged away by the invaders. Pesche states they will be taken to their camp and divided into groups to be killed or taken away. Despite being told Dondochakka is not among them, Ichigo decides to go save them.[437] As Ichigo and Nel near the camp, he notices an explosion, and Nel tells him it was caused by the Tres Bestias, the Fracción of Tier Harribel.[438] Arriving at their location, Ichigo notices Quilge Opie has defeated Emilou ApacciFranceska Mila Rose, and Cyan Sung-Sun.[439]
Ichigo fights Quilge's men.
As Ichigo fights the enemy, he realizes they are Quincy.[440] Upon the arrival of Orihime and Sado, he, throwing Nel to Orihime, asks her to take care of Nel. Deflecting Quilge's attacks, Ichigo tells him his arrows are much stronger than Uryū's, though they have not fought in a long time. During their talk, Quilge, receiving an order to take down Ichigo with all his strength, activates Quincy: Vollständig, and as they are fighting, Quilge elaborates on the details of the technique.[441] Before the fight progresses further, Quilge is assaulted by Ayon.[442] Explaining what Ayon is to the confused Ichigo, Apacci warns him, Sado, and Orihime to run, since they are not their enemies.[443]
Ichigo attacks Quilge with his Bankai.
Quilge uses Sklaverei to absorb the Reishi making up Ayon's body, forcing the Arrancar to flee and conceal themselves and Ichigo's group from Quilge. Locating them, Quilgie starts to use Sklaverei on them, which Ichigo stops by attacking Quilge with his Bankai.[444] Pressuring Quilge with much greater strength and speed, Ichigo shows a clear control over the battle. As Quilge finds himself unable to seal Ichigo's Bankai, Ichigo, asking why he wants to do so, mockingly suggests the Quincy is afraid of Bankai. Blasting Quilge to end the fight, Urahara opens a portal to Soul Society, throwing a confused Ichigo a Denreishinki, and tells him to go to Soul Society and listen to Akon via the device. Akon begins to explain the dire situation Soul Society is in.[445]
C499p15 Ichigo Captures
Ichigo is trapped by Quilge.
As he travels towards Soul Society, Akon updates him on the gravity of the situation there and about the enemy forces. Contacting him to inform him of what he has learned of the Vandenreich's abilities from the battle with Quilge, Urahara notes the enemy likely took advantage of Ichigo being in Hueco Mundo to attack Soul Society. Quilge manages to block the exit to Soul Society, trap Ichigo in a cage, and close the portal's entrance in Hueco Mundo.[446] Ichigo desperately tries to break free of the prison, but to no avail. He realizes Akon cannot hear him, but he can hear the screams and words of the Shinigami via the Transmitter Swords deployed across the Seireitei. After listening to this, Ichigo tries even harder to escape.[447] Unable to break out despite usingGetsuga Tenshō, Ichigo, beginning to despair, notices the Denreishinki has been cut off from Urahara and the SRDI.[448]
Ichigo arrives before Yhwachand Jugram Haschwalth.
Much later, after the death of Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto and the annihilation of the Gotei 13 forces, Ichigo breaks out of his prison and is freed from the Garganta by Akon. Emerging from an opening in the sky, he goes to where Byakuya Kuchiki was defeated. As Ichigo reassures him by revealing Rukia and Renji are still alive, Byakuya, asking Ichigo to forgive him for being defeated, requests that Ichigo protect Soul Society in place of the Shinigami. Agreeing to do so, Ichigo sets off to where Yhwach and Jugram Haschwalthstand. Landing before the two confidently, Ichigo readies himself to battle.[449]
Demanding to know if Yhwach is the leader of the enemy, Ichigo, receiving a vague answer in return, presses the matter. After asking if he is the one who caused Soul Society to fall into such a state, which Yhwach confirms, Ichigo, enraged, 
Yhwach stabs Ichigo
Yhwach stabs Ichigo.
releases a torrent of Reiatsu before attacking with a Getsuga Tenshō. Despite the devastating explosion, Yhwach, emerging unharmed, pins him to the ground. Reaching out to strike the man with his bare hand, Ichigo's move is deflected before the Quincy, coming down with the tip of his blade, strikes Ichigo in the throat. Standing over him, Yhwach, telling Haschwalth to bring him back with them, is surprised when Ichigo gets up again, the tip of his sword only slightly piercing his skin. Shocked, Yhwach comments on it being Blut Vene before he is engulfed by Ichigo's Reiatsu.[450]

514Blut Vene blocks
Ichigo's Blut Vene blocks Yhwach's attack.
When Yhwach, reeling back from Ichigo, states he made a mistake, Ichigo asks if he made a mistake just because he survived one of his attacks. Stating he was not referring to this, Yhwach strikes Ichigo again, only for his Blut Vene to block his sword once more. Yhwach states he should have sent an Arrancar to stop him instead of a pure Quincy because using a Quincy caused the memories of his Reiatsu to awaken. Knowing Ichigo is confused, Yhwach states by releasing a high amount of Reiatsu inside Quilge's jail, the dregs of his Reiatsu incorporated the surrounding Reiatsu, and Quilge's Reiatsu, reaching the deepest parts of his soul, awakened the memories of his Reiatsu from their very root. When he further states Quilge's prison cannot imprison a Quincy, Ichigo, still confused, asks how his Reiatsu is related to a Quincy's. Yhwach states Ichigo
Tensa Zangetsu is broken.
does not know anything about himself, including his own mother. Before Ichigo can question him further, Yhwach, declaring he will force Ichigo to surrender and drag him back, promises Ichigo he will explain everything once he takes him back to the Vandenreich headquarters. As Yhwach attacks Ichigo again, Haschwalth tells him they must return him to the Schatten Bereich. Agreeing, Yhwach decides to leave with Haschwalth. As Ichigo tries to stop them from leaving, Haschwalth, intercepting his attack, breaks Ichigo's blade. Bidding Ichigo farewell, Yhwach promises to come back to take him.[451]

Ch516 Mayuri with Ichigo in the SRDI
Mayuri tells Ichigo a broken Bankai cannot be fixed.
At the 4th Division's compound, Ichigo is told Urahara, Orihime, and Sado are safe. Declining Hanatarō's offer of medical aid, he states he has already received some treatment. Informing him of the status of Rukia and Renji, Shinji brings him to them, where he briefly talks with Rukia before being summoned to the 12th Division.[452] Telling him he cannot restore his Bankai, Mayuri, explaining how a Zanpakutō can be restored in Shikai, further explains Bankai is a different matter, and most broken Bankai never return to their previous state. They are 
Ch516 ZeroSquadArrives
Ichigo witnesses the arrival of the Royal Guard.
interrupted by Kon, whom Ichigo struggles to recognize at first due to his large, muscular body. As they talk, Mayuri, informed of the arrival of the Royal Guard, brings Ichigo to witness their arrival. Upon reaching the location where the other captains have gathered, Ichigo asks Shinji where the Royal Guard are and why they did not fight the Vandenreich. Answering him, Shunsui explains about the Royal Guard, the five members of which arrive.[453] Shortly after arriving, the Royal Guard, showing great interest in Ichigo, insist on taking him to the Royal Palace along with Byakuya, Renji, and Rukia, who will die from their wounds if not treated there. While Ichigo insists his injuries are nothing to worry about, Ichibei Hyōsube reveals they have another reason to bring Ichigo.[454]

518Ichigo is told
Ichigo is told to do what is best for himself.
Urahara communicates to him from Hueco Mundo through a system he installed in Kon. As Urahara informs Ichigo of the situation there, Ichigo, greeted by Orihime and Sado, hears a familiar voice on their end demanding to see Ichigo. Assuring him they made a nice deal to keep the person in line, Urahara tells Ichigo to not worry about them and to do what is best for himself. When Ichigo asks the Royal Guard if they can repair his Bankai, Ichibei says while they cannot repair it, they can reforge it to a similar state in the Soul King Palace. Ichigo agrees to go there with the Royal Guard. Unable to 
519Ichigo asks
Ichigo asks about the Ōken.
return by their own power, they enlist the help of Kūkaku to send them back.[455] Upon arriving, Ichigo is told how lucky he is to be brought there. Marveling at the place Aizen tried to break into, Ichigo talks about theŌken, which Ichibei explains is infused into their very bones. When Ichigo asks if he is going to meet the Soul King, which Tenjirō Kirinji 
Ch519 WartimeVacation
Ichigo recuperates withinTenjirō Kirinji's hot springs.
scoffs at, Kirio Hikifuneexplains the nature of the Soul King Palace's layout before Kirinji takes him to his domain. There, a confused and annoyed Ichigo sits in a hot spring with Kirinji, and the wounded Shinigami are healed at an accelerated rate by the spring.[456] Ichigo is held underwater in the hot springs repeatedly by Kirinji's underlings, whom he continuously tries to fight off. When Kirinji punches Ichigo, who counters the sudden assault, Kirinji, noting this means he has fully recovered, sends him off with a recovered Renji.[457]

Ch521 ItsNotOver9000
Ichigo and Renji notice the empowering effects of the food.
As they arrive at Kirio Hikifune's domain, Ichigo and Renji notice Kon has sneaked along. After they are greeted by Kirio, who treats them to a banquet, Ichigo voices his feelings of guilt for just relaxing and eating while Soul Society is preparing for war. As Renji helps him get over it by explaining they must first get healthy before they can train, Kirio returns, shocking them with her new slender and attractive appearance, and reveals while they may only appear to be relaxing, the treatments Ichigo and his friends are going through are actually helping strengthen them. She warns them each member of the Royal Guard was recognized for a significant contribution they made to Soul Society's history, and the next Royal Guard they will meet is the unpredictable Ōetsu Nimaiya, the man who created the Zanpakutō.[458]
Ch523 SpiritsAreNOTWithYou
Ichigo and Renji are set upon by the Asauchi.
Later, Ichigo, Renji, and Kon arrive at Nimaiya's domain. They are left embarrassed by his flashy antics, and are even more surprised to find he has surrounded himself with dozens of beautiful women. He brings them to a small hut. Once inside, Ichigo and his friends find themselves plummeting into a pit. Revealing he took Ichigo and Renji's Zanpakutō without their knowing, Nimaiya, smashing them, tells the two Shinigami if they can escape, he will reforge their Zanpakutō.[459] Nimaiya reveals they are in fact Asauchi, all of which he made himself. When Ichigo surmises they are facing materializations of these Asauchi, Nimaiya, noting it is close but not exactly correct, says they are angry at how Ichigo and Renji treat their Zanpakutō as tools.[460]
527Ichigo asks
Ichigo asks what will happen to Zangetsu.
After three days, Nimaiya, ending the test, says while Renji has passed, Ichigo has failed. Because of this, Nimaiya refuses to reforge Zangetsu, stating he has "no swords for fake Shinigami". Enraged, Ichigo rushes towards Nimaiya, but Nimaiya uses a Kidō technique to blast Ichigo out of his palace.[461]
Isshin finds Ichigo at Ikumi's house
Isshin confronts Ichigo inIkumi Unagiya's house.
Ichigo finds himself standing in front of his own home and in his human body, which he has no recollection of reentering or recovering from Urahara's place. He decides to go to Ikumi's home, thinking it is a good thing, for he does not know how to explain this to his friends or father. Upon arriving, he apologizes to Ikumi for missing work, but Ikumi, saying not to, states she feels like his older sister, reasserting children should not be afraid to rely on adults. After an argument caused by Ichigo trying to make light of the matter, Isshin arrives in his Shinigami form. Leaving Ikumi's home, Ichigo, 
528Ichigo grabs
Ichigo grabs Isshin.
telling his father to be serious after Isshin tries to make a joke, states Isshin must have been aware of the recent events if he came in his Shinigami form. Saying he received word about what happened from Urahara, Isshin states he knew Ichigo was sent home, shocking Ichigo. Isshin says it makes sense, for Ichigo does not know about his heritage, temporarily angering Ichigo. Deciding now is the time to tell him about it, Isshin states Ichigo is neither a Shinigami nor a regular human. Ichigo listens on as Isshin begins to tell Ichigo about when he first met his mother.[462] After telling the story, Isshin decides to reveal the true reason behind Masaki's death.[463]
Ichigo leaving
Ichigo states he is going somewhere.
Ichigo listens to his father as he explains Blut to him, and how Masaki should have been able to kill Grand Fisher with ease, but did not. When Isshin asks Ichigo if Uryū said anything about his mother, Ichigo states Uryū is not the kind of person to do this. Explaining Uryū's family, Isshin reveals his mother died from Yhwach's actions, to Ichigo's shock. When Isshin reveals all Quincy have Yhwach's blood in them, Ichigo, remembering Yhwach's words when they fought and realizing what they meant, thanks his dad and goes outside. Outside, Ikumi, walking up to him, returns his Substitute Shinigami Badge. Thanking her, he states he is going. [464]
Ichigo chooses his own Asauchi.
Isshin asks how he is going to get to where he is going, which confuses Ichigo. Ichigo's confusion turns to shock when Mera, appearing behind him, brings him back to Nimaiya's palace. Once there, the Asauchi bow down around him. Walking over to one of the Asauchi, Ichigo grabs its hand. The Asauchi breaks away to reveal his inner Hollow. Pleased by this turn of events, Ichigo says he will personally reforge Ichigo's Zanpakutō.[465]
Nimaiya sets up a slide which he, Ichigo, and the chosen Asauchi will use to travel deeper into his palace. After Nimaiya points out he warned Ichigo he should not have went in head first, Ichigo states Nimaiya kicked him in, causing him to go in head first. Dropping the issue, Nimaiya tells him to look at where he is at.[466]
540Ichigo talks
Ichigo talks with Nimaiya.
 As Nimaiya forges Ichigo's new Zanpakutō, they talk about the truth of Ichigo's Zanpakutō situation up until this point. Ōetsu reveals to Ichigo his inner Hollow is actually his Zanpakutō, and the spirit form he referred to as his Zanpakutō Spirit, Zangetsu, is actually the manifestation of his latent Quincy powers in the form of Yhwach as he appeared 1,000 years ago.[467]

Ichigo confronts Zangetsu
Ichigo confronts Zangetsu.
Recalling the odd things he experienced upon entering Soul Society to stop Yhwach, Ichigo enters his inner world to confront Zangetsu. When he tells him to explain himself, Zangetsu, stating everything he heard was true, reveals his name is not Zangetsu. As Ichigo's inner world begins to break apart, Ichigo asks if he was really Yhwach all along. When Zangetsu states he both is and is not Yhwach, Ichigo asks if everything he has told him up until now was a lie. As Zangetsu explains how 
Ichigo is engulfed
Ichigo takes the Zanpakutō.
Ichigo's inner Hollow had been the one to help and protect him up until now, Ichigo asks why Zangetsu had tried to restrict his latent potential and become his primary source of power. Explaining his reasons for doing this and why he is willing to help him now, Zangetsu, summoning a sword, begins fading away. As Zangetsu tells him how proud he is of him, Ichigo calls out to him, only for him to fade away completely. As he looks at the sword, Zangetsu tells him he has only been wielding a fraction of his Zanpakutō's power up until now, and it is time for him to fight with his true power. Taking the sword, Ichigo is engulfed in light.[468] 
542Ichigo grabs
Ichigo grabs Zangetsu.
Recalling all the memories of his associations with his inner Hollow and Zangetsu, Ichigo realizes neither of them were deceptive in their dealings with him, and at various times throughout their time together, they have helped him. Ichigo acknowledges them both as Zangetsu, regardless of whether or not it is right. Not wanting to give up his ally, Ichigo, 
542Ichigo senses
Ichigo senses both his inner Hollow and his Quincy powers in his new Zanpakutō.
exiting of his inner world, places his hands upon Zangetsuwhile it is in the fire at Nimaiya's forge. As Nimaiya's guards take issue with this, Nimaiya, surprised by this, insists letting Ichigo put a piece of his soul into it would be better. He asks Ichigo to take up his Zanpakutō, which prompts Ichigo to remove it from the forge. As the released power pulsates through the forge, the sheer strength of the Reiatsu and heat dries up the surround sea in order to cool the sword down. As Nimaiya asks him if he is comfortable with his new dual blades, Ichigo resolves to never rely on help from, nor to ignore or ally with Zangetsu, and states he will now fight in his own way.[469]


Ichigo's Substitute Shinigami Badge
Ichigo's Substitute Shinigami Badge.
  • Substitute Shinigami Badge (代行証 死神代行, Daikōshō Shinigami Daikō): Given to Ichigo by Ukitake before leaving Soul Society for the first time, the pendant he commonly carries on his belt signifies his position as a Substitute Shinigami, allowing him to remain active in the Human World.[174][175] The pendant gives Ichigo the ability to separate his soul from his body in the absence of Rukia's glove or Kon. It alerts him to the presence of Hollows in Karakura Town, much like Rukia's Denreishinki. Ukitake informs Ichigo the badge can also be dangerous, and thus it has built-in protection making it invisible to normal Humans.[470][471] Zennosuke Kurumadani tells Ichigo he has never heard of his "Seal of Approval", causing Ichigo to refer to it as useless before Shinji's arrival.[472] When Ichigo loses his powers, all of the mentioned abilities of the badge are lost as well.[473] Kūgo Ginjō tells Ichigo the true purpose of the badge is to observe and restrict the owner. It is at once a surveillance device for Soul Society and a device to absorb, analyze, and control the user's reiatsu. It is also a device for communicating with Soul Society, as Ichigo could hear Rukia's voice coming from it. As the badge absorbed and stored Ichigo's reiatsu, Ichigo used it as his Fullbring focus.[474]
  • Protective Charm: A Kidō-based charm given to him by his father. If the owner is attacked by hostile forces, it acts as a defense by forming a barrier, as displayed when Kon (while in Ichigo's body) was attacked by the Arrancar Grand Fisher. Ichigo was unaware of the charm's power, and was told it once belonged to his mother. The latter is proven to be a lie, as Isshin later reveals he created the charm recently.[475][476][477]

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